Brian: Inspired drill from Flipper Video

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Hey Brian

Got inspired to practice this drill after watching video short #5.

Since the left shoulder is the lowest point of the golf swing and that a arched left wrist moves this point forward....

I have started to practice hitting full shots with the ball an inch outside my left heel. The purpose being to maintain the wrist cock and lag deep into the downswing and to the aiming point.

What i feel that this drill has done for me is that it showed me how much throwaway I had and helped me have an arched wrist at impact. It was hard at the start, but on normal shots now, i hit it more crisply and with a more penetrating trajectory.

It is impossible to flip the club into the ball with such a forward ball position right? (just to make sure!)

Your opinions please guys....;)


I place the ball forward of my lead foot to practice pitches and chips holding my impact hands to check the alignments.
I also really like the moving divot drill.
I have no problem hitting the ball with both arms straight on the follow through in the practice range (with overhead and down the line camera). However, when playing, even I can hit the ball but I know that my left arm bent earlier. I am guessing that my ball position is too back. I am thinking and on a practice swing: square stance, then open the left foot, this will open the hip, therefore square the hip with a preturn hip, ball even with the left arm straight position with square clubhead, I have enough room and am able to finish the swing with extended right arm (hitter). Is my thinking correct? I have a tendency not to put the ball too forward, worrying it will create a hook, but I guess the opposite for golf?
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