Brian Manzella Chicago "Tour Stop" — SOLD OUT

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Brian Manzella

Me and my wife Lisa will be in the Windy City from September 26th through the 29th.

My "Tour Stop" is SOLD OUT for Tuesday the 26th and Wednesday the 27th.

I will be teaching at a private facility on those dates.

But, I am available for a few hours on Thursday the 28th.

I will be teaching at:

Willowhill Golf Academy
1350 Willow Road
Northbrook, IL 60062

I am currently contacting those who have expressed interest, and those folks will have the first choice of time for their sessions.

Anyone else can either PM me, email me at, or call me at 502.417.4653

See you in Chicago!

jim_0068 said:
Can't wait to see you in town and you better "put aside your diet" when i take you buddy!

Had lunch with him recently in L.A. He had SALAD! :eek:

Maybe that was because there were witnesses! :)
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Brian Manzella

Thanks to all.

Our EVER POPULAR, "Manzella Tour Stops" have "sold out" everywhere we have gone.

This one —Chicago— is now SOLD OUT.

We are thinking about one more for 2006 (besides the "Manziposium" in December in Florida), and that would be New York in October.


PM me, email me, or post here if you are.

I will decide in the next few days.

Let me guess, Rockhill Golf Course!!!!!!!

Brian Manzella said:
Our EVER POPULAR, "Manzella Tour Stops" have "sold out" everywhere we have gone.

This one —Chicago— is now SOLD OUT.

We are thinking about one more for 2006 (besides the "Manziposium" in December in Florida), and that would be New York in October.


PM me, email me, or post here if you are.

I will decide in the next few days.

Brian Manzella

Credit where credit is due.

The Manziposium.

Neat ring.

It will be held sometime between the TGM Summit and the PGA Summit (which are two days apart and both in Florida) this December.

It will be for Pros only, and get this—it will be FREE.

I'll pass the hat after to pay for the venue and the food.

But all the info will be F R E E !!!

and btw, our own Damon Lucas gave it a name.
Brian in Florida

Have you got a date yet for your manziposium? Will you hold it close to the TGM summit or nearer Port St Lucie?
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