Brian Manzella
November 20, 2006
New Orleans, Louisiana
Hello folks,
I would like to thank all of you for visiting and participating in this forum since its inception in mid-2003.
It has really been great for me personally and also great for my continued advancement toward the top of my profession.
Web forums are funny places. You meet some great people, you learn from some real smart people and you learn an awful lot about communication. But, you also have to deal with "the rest."
"The rest" are all the people who don't like you for whatever reason, or have there own cause to promote. We have certainly had a little of the former and a bunch of the latter on this forum. It is all a part of the landscape of this great big internet that is about to get much bigger.
As I prepare for my next "big thing" this week, let me catch all of you up on the state of things present.
Never Slice Again 2.0 will be web-released in the next few days. It has been a long process, but one that was slowed by the fact that HD Video is in its infancy, and we are part of that. This is our very first FULL-COMMERCIAL release, and there are several factors that this adds to the equation. Like bar codes, and shrink wrap. We have been careful to "get the process right," so that the following videos that will be rolled out one-by-one (Never Hook Again 2.0, Do It Right 2.0, Building Blocks 1.0, Son of Flipper, and a full--as yet untitled--Short Game video) will be able to be released as quickly as possible.
As each new video is released, the videos that are currently available will be "off the market" so to speak, with the exception of Confessions of a Former Flipper.
All of the new videos will sell for $29.95 for the DVD and web version and $19.95 for the web version alone, plus shipping.
The "Next Big Thing" which will debut this week is FREE, and will remain free. This site--The Manzella Golf Forum---will always be free. As others have tried before, and others will try again, charging for something that was free before is often a total bust. My Instructional Videos that I sell for $29.95 and $19.95 reflect a level of content that others just can't match. The competition can be dull and self-congratulatory, and thank God I'm at least not dull. The new stuff, starting with NSA, are so good compared to what the competition on The Golf Channel, and other sites, etc as far as 'watchability' goes, it is silly. "the Next Big Thing" is as good as anything anyone else is selling or will try to sell--and it will be free.
There have been several dozen requests on this forum and in PM's and emails about putting all the old content back up.
Folks, it is going to be very hard to do.
This forum was INFESTED from day one by a very small group of people who had multiple personality disorder, or some other disorder. The funny part was that some of the followers of this group were arguing at times with the "masked offenders." It makes for funny reading if you know who's who, but doesn't make for much good reading if you just want your golf questions answered.
But the "questions answered" part will be taken care of.
Just place your request in the new "Question's to be Answered" thread, and they will be answered, and you'll see where very soon.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Hello folks,
I would like to thank all of you for visiting and participating in this forum since its inception in mid-2003.
It has really been great for me personally and also great for my continued advancement toward the top of my profession.
Web forums are funny places. You meet some great people, you learn from some real smart people and you learn an awful lot about communication. But, you also have to deal with "the rest."
"The rest" are all the people who don't like you for whatever reason, or have there own cause to promote. We have certainly had a little of the former and a bunch of the latter on this forum. It is all a part of the landscape of this great big internet that is about to get much bigger.
As I prepare for my next "big thing" this week, let me catch all of you up on the state of things present.
Never Slice Again 2.0 will be web-released in the next few days. It has been a long process, but one that was slowed by the fact that HD Video is in its infancy, and we are part of that. This is our very first FULL-COMMERCIAL release, and there are several factors that this adds to the equation. Like bar codes, and shrink wrap. We have been careful to "get the process right," so that the following videos that will be rolled out one-by-one (Never Hook Again 2.0, Do It Right 2.0, Building Blocks 1.0, Son of Flipper, and a full--as yet untitled--Short Game video) will be able to be released as quickly as possible.
As each new video is released, the videos that are currently available will be "off the market" so to speak, with the exception of Confessions of a Former Flipper.
All of the new videos will sell for $29.95 for the DVD and web version and $19.95 for the web version alone, plus shipping.
The "Next Big Thing" which will debut this week is FREE, and will remain free. This site--The Manzella Golf Forum---will always be free. As others have tried before, and others will try again, charging for something that was free before is often a total bust. My Instructional Videos that I sell for $29.95 and $19.95 reflect a level of content that others just can't match. The competition can be dull and self-congratulatory, and thank God I'm at least not dull. The new stuff, starting with NSA, are so good compared to what the competition on The Golf Channel, and other sites, etc as far as 'watchability' goes, it is silly. "the Next Big Thing" is as good as anything anyone else is selling or will try to sell--and it will be free.
There have been several dozen requests on this forum and in PM's and emails about putting all the old content back up.
Folks, it is going to be very hard to do.
This forum was INFESTED from day one by a very small group of people who had multiple personality disorder, or some other disorder. The funny part was that some of the followers of this group were arguing at times with the "masked offenders." It makes for funny reading if you know who's who, but doesn't make for much good reading if you just want your golf questions answered.
But the "questions answered" part will be taken care of.
Just place your request in the new "Question's to be Answered" thread, and they will be answered, and you'll see where very soon.
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