Brian Manzella, Damon Lucas, and Kevin Shields discuss Teaching, etc. (VIDEO)

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Brian Manzella

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Very enlightening for sure. I sure hope your group gets some recognition at some point.
I am sure that recognition is not why you do it but it is needed to reach more people with your message.
Now I know that I am going to see Brian or one of you guys at some point this next season.
Really appreciate all three of you taking the time, very enjoyable conversations.

Which one of you do I need to send the check to?:D
Some of these videos have very low volume, Brian.

Not being critical, just wanting to more easily hear what you have to say!

Thanks for the vid though. More stuff like this is great to see.


A thoughtful discussion. Brian, your finishing comments regarding what you're trying to accomplish w/ your students is about the same for me, working w/ patients in the ER. I'm there to fix what I can, provide info and encouragement, get people on the right track, and not mess anybody up. You stated it very nicely.

Thank you for posting up this conversation, it was very enlightening and good to "hear" from Damon and Kevin again.

For the growth of the game, for the betterment of instruction, and for my own personal game and teaching the Manzella Academy has been better than anything I have seen for 15 years as a PGA Member. I spent these years in different parts of the country, but affiliated with the same cookie cutter PGA sections with seemingly status quo complacency for the industry and teaching the game. Along with that complacency was a closed door feel, an elitism that festered and made things very hard to be a part of, and harder to even want to be a part of frankly. I can really feel Brian's tendency to get bitter with some of his past and present adversaries. I can relate to the way some of the people in the business can make you feel and it's got to be way harder for someone like Brian who constantly questions these people's ideas and methodologies.

So to me the Manzella Academy, speared by Brian Manzella, have opened their doors to guys like me to improve their profession. Even before the GTE became available, this forum and website gave a welcome environment to learn and improve.

I can only hope that the information seeking truth for the "real" betterment of the sport can withstand and overtake the people that want to maintain the status quo and protect their comfy existence. How great would it be for guys like Haney, Harmon and McLean to become humble for a minute and engage in meaningful discussions of golf instuction with guys like Brian Manzella and his Academy Instructors.

Steve Greffen

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Bolt, very nice words. If ive been helpful in any way, that makes me feel great. Im lucky to be associated with this team of people and im very grateful. Like I said in the audio, im not even half way there and i will never stop trying to learn more to get better. In light of the disenchanted poster, it will make me burn to make sure that happens as little as possible.

Thanks again
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This will probably come off the wrong way but I am curious how it relates to the BM way of instructing.

If I understand from this video and other threads that the view of this site is there is no method, nor one size fits all golf swing, that as shown in the various BM videos that there many fixes to the problems that ills golfers. I cannot disagree with this at all.

The first time I go see or have a discussion with an instructor I would have serious reservations if one of the first things that they did not ask me is what are my short term and long term goals.

I mean if that question is not asked then how does the instructor know if the student is looking for a bit of a band aid fix of a major problem or is the student looking to fix his swing for the long haul and maybe you would not attack the issues the same way?
Bolt, very nice words. If ive been helpful in any way, that makes me feel great. Im lucky to be associated with this team of people and im very grateful. Like I said in the audio, im not even half way there and i will never stop trying to learn more to get better. In light of the dienchanyed poster, it will make me burn to make sure that happens as little as possible.

Thanks again

Kevin, you most definitely have helped me. Here on this forum with your knowledgeable posts, as a representative of a very strong player who still approaches teaching the 35 hncp with passion and now as a PGA Member who is not accepting status quo and who is humble and approachable.

I also think it is a testimony to your charachter that you are burning inside at the thought that you may have failed someone or more importantly that they are not satisfied with your product. It would be easy to blame the student and come up with all kinds of excuses (even legitimate ones!).

Anyways I look forward to my connection with the Manzella Academy, and know that it will grow in the future.



Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
This will probably come off the wrong way but I am curious how it relates to the BM way of instructing.

If I understand from this video and other threads that the view of this site is there is no method, nor one size fits all golf swing, that as shown in the various BM videos that there many fixes to the problems that ills golfers. I cannot disagree with this at all.

The first time I go see or have a discussion with an instructor I would have serious reservations if one of the first things that they did not ask me is what are my short term and long term goals.

I mean if that question is not asked then how does the instructor know if the student is looking for a bit of a band aid fix of a major problem or is the student looking to fix his swing for the long haul and maybe you would not attack the issues the same way?

I may not ask it directly but through a little prodding you can tell pretty quickly. Best of luck with your swing.

Brian Manzella

Great questions.

If I understand from this video and other threads that the view of this site is there is no method, nor one size fits all golf swing, that as shown in the various BM videos that there many fixes to the problems that ills golfers. I cannot disagree with this at all.

There are two different things you are talking about their, so I will explain why that is, and further explain their individual reasons for being.

There is no ONE method, no ONE pattern at the Brian Manzella Golf Academy. We believe that do to differences of all kinds, physicality, mental, athletic, etc, there is no ONE PATTERN that will make any decent size sample group of golfers as good overall—or individually—as CUSTOM DESIGNED, CUSTOM FIT patterns.

There are NUMEROUS reasons why this approach is THE BEST WAY.

1. Any reasonable study or research of the field of learning will show that individuality will always produce better results. It will also show that the more the lesson can be GUIDED and not OVER-COACHED the better the learning will be.

TrackMan is helping us reach closer to that GUIDED/Self-Discovery ideal every day.

2. Take the example of Shaquille O'Neal the poor free throw shooter. Mark Price, the vertically challenged guard who might have been 6-feet in shoes and extra socks, is the NBA's all-time leader in Free Throw percentage.

Let's also say that the experts considered his form to be near perfection.

There is NO WAY that teaching Shaq the exact, or near exact, angles of Price's forearms, elbows, knees, etc, will work as good for the big Aristotle.

Shaq's limbs are vastly different sizes than Price's, and the shot is a different shot altogether since Shaquille will be launching the ball from a height point to the same size goal.


3. Once a custom pattern is chosen for a golfer, and taught ti the golfer, and learned PERFECTLY by the golfer, that golfer will NOT be able to make that precise pattern over the course of a career. Injuries, changes in physicality, etc. make constant adjustments and adaptations a necessity.

Gardening. Not building buildings.

4. No teacher on earth knows more than half of everything worth learning about the golf swing, and physics as applied to it.

Because the thinking man's teacher is always learning, the mechanical IDEALS will be in a constant state of upgrade and reverse engineering.

Not "reverse-reserve engineering." :D

Secondly, the videos are presenting actually stand-alone patterns. Not fixes.

The patterns are REAL as rain and can be found in use in professional golf right now.

The "fix" part comes from the fact that NO ONE ELSE has done a decent job presenting a SOLUTION to golfer's problems like SLICING and HOOKING.

The STRAIGHT-BASE LINE of the Manzella Matrix is simply a RANGE of possible patterns (not actual patterns) that could AND DO work.

Anything to far to the right is OUTSIDE of the MMBL (Manzella Matrix Base Line) because it is simply too far inside-out to produce good golf. The opposite is true to the left.

A random workable single pattern is only a "solution" for a SMALL PERCENTAGE of golfers mathematically.

The first time I go see or have a discussion with an instructor I would have serious reservations if one of the first things that they did not ask me is what are my short term and long term goals.

Some teachers do detailed interviews, some don't.

I ask many question during the lesson, and believe it or not, golfer's interview answers as a rule are almost always SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

To be honest, I NEVER give a Band-Aid lesson, I can fix people without Band-Aids. So by default, all of my lessons are developmental.

The Method teachers always have an out, don't they?

"You are just not doing everything I told you to do."

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