The 'retail' versions of Never Slice Again and "You Can Hit it Like a Pro" were shot in late March and only need one half-day more of shooting and editing to complete. The torn achilles has slowed this finish work up, but me and my wife are meeting with the editing company this coming week in Florida to schedule the edit/ guess is two or three more months total.
I am trying VERY HARD to make sure that the first thing that hits the retail stores will be really, really good.
When we get the first shipment, they will go to all of my Beat testers FIRST, before any other accounts are dealt with.
As far as the Web Video ('shorts') series, the DVD of "Over and Out" will be ready in a couple of days and will join the DVD's of 1-4 "The Movie" & "...Flipper" on this site.
I got my cast off today, so everything....including dozens of new Web Videos (with companion DVD's)....will get going in a few weeks.
Thanks for the patience and support, everyone.