Brian Manzella DVD's

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I posted this in the instructional video section but no reponses yet. Let's try this again.

"I see there are different DVD's out there and many reviews about the beta versions. If I were to purchase the DVD(s) would they be the beta version or the "finished" product? Thanks"

Brian Manzella

Sorry for the delay in response....

There are two 'sets' of videos.

Set #1 are the very popular "Manzella Video Shorts."

They are: Volumes 1 - 6 and are available online (web viewable) or on DVD (which gets you the web version also)

& The "Beta Program" Videos -Never Slice Again and Do It Right, which are only on DVD.

If you participate in the Beat Program, you get DVD's of Never Slice Again and Do It Right, AND when the commercial versions are out, you get the new DVD's of those two tiltes PLUS the DVD of "You Can Hit it Like a Pro," a no additonal charge.

If you have any questions, please call me at 502.417.4653
PS The only reason I'm asking is that I use my PC at work and I wouldn't be able to install Quicktime. I download stuff but cannot install stuff. Thanks again.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
curtis.....the online videos are used from a hosting service.

You can:

1) Stream it in 3 DIFFERENT CONNECTION SPEEDS with 3 DIFFERENT VIEWERS! (real, quick, media)

2) or just download them

Don't worry you'll be fine
When will the commercial version be available? Its been a long while.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Sorry for the delay in response....

There are two 'sets' of videos.

Set #1 are the very popular "Manzella Video Shorts."

They are: Volumes 1 - 6 and are available online (web viewable) or on DVD (which gets you the web version also)

& The "Beta Program" Videos -Never Slice Again and Do It Right, which are only on DVD.

If you participate in the Beat Program, you get DVD's of Never Slice Again and Do It Right, AND when the commercial versions are out, you get the new DVD's of those two tiltes PLUS the DVD of "You Can Hit it Like a Pro," a no additonal charge.

If you have any questions, please call me at 502.417.4653

Brian Manzella

The 'retail' versions of Never Slice Again and "You Can Hit it Like a Pro" were shot in late March and only need one half-day more of shooting and editing to complete. The torn achilles has slowed this finish work up, but me and my wife are meeting with the editing company this coming week in Florida to schedule the edit/ guess is two or three more months total.

I am trying VERY HARD to make sure that the first thing that hits the retail stores will be really, really good.

When we get the first shipment, they will go to all of my Beat testers FIRST, before any other accounts are dealt with.

As far as the Web Video ('shorts') series, the DVD of "Over and Out" will be ready in a couple of days and will join the DVD's of 1-4 "The Movie" & "...Flipper" on this site.

I got my cast off today, so everything....including dozens of new Web Videos (with companion DVD's)....will get going in a few weeks.

Thanks for the patience and support, everyone.

BM :)
Thanks Brian, great to hear two pieces of fantastic news: your cast is off, and the DVDs are going to get finished! Can't wait.
if i understand, i can get a dvd sent to the house which includes 1-4, and confessions of a flipper. what is the 6th short? also, can i call and place an order?
Two questions. Can I get 1 DVD with all of the shorts on it? If so I cannot find it. Also you mentioned, " If you participate in the Beat Program, you get DVD's of Never Slice Again and Do It Right, AND when the commercial versions are out, you get the new DVD's of those two tiltes PLUS the DVD of "You Can Hit it Like a Pro," a no additonal charge.". I'm not sure where this is either. I see a post regarding the Beta Testing Program but it mentions purchasing 4 DVD's. You comment above mentions purchasing 2 and getting 1 for free. Let me know. THanks

Brian Manzella

The Beta program is basically this:

You get two now and three much better versions later.

I'll make a big announcement on the progress in a couple of days.
Hey Brian, I'm trying to throw some money your way but you're making it hard. You never answered my other question about the "shorts". Can I get them on 1 DVD? If I can, where's the link? You partially answered my other question. The Beta program involves 3 DVD's and not 4. Where's the link? Thanks again.
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