I don't understand why you'd have to or want to aim left.
Like Brian says, you aim where if you hit it straight (say 0 path and 0 face angle) you are still okay (like the middle of the green). The only objective is to swing with your normal path and have the face slightly open to that path ("hold off" / face coming in late / limit left arm and club unit rotation) so that the ball baby cuts to the right. So, let's keep this simple, we are trying to only manipulate 1 variable, the clubface.
Undoubtedly there is more than one way to skin this cat (i.e. open the face at address and forget about holding anything off -or- normal grip and fan it open a touch on the way back so it has a delayed start on squaring up -or- maybe weaken your RIGHT hand grip kind of like you might do on a chip) but I contend that the way Ernie did it here (HOLDING IT OFF) might be the easiest... It is for me anyway. It's also the only way I can still throw up consistently similar Swing Dir & AoA and, consequently, CLUB PATH numbers.
I see no need to aim "mega left."