Brian Manzella to undergo surgery, June 15th

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Lisa Manzella

Manzella Golf Academy Administra
Your Host, Brian Manzella, will undergo surgery to repair a ruptured Achilles tendon, on Wednesday, June 15th in New Orleans.

The injury occurred on Sunday, June 12, during a 'pick-up' basketball game in Louisville, Kentucky.

I will resume teaching on Saturday, June 18th, from a golf cart.

The doctor, New Orleans' Saints Team Doctor Tim Finney, is one of the top Orthopedic physicians in the country, as well as the brother of our own Mike Finney (Mikestloc) and a scratch golfer.

The prognosis is for two weeks in a cast 'toe down,' two weeks in a cast at 90 degrees (slight weight bearing), and then two to four weeks in a boot that I can walk in (and maybe hit little shots).

Wish me luck.

Sorry to hear about the injury.javascript:insertsmilie(':(')
Frown :( I'm impressed with your resiliance and I hope all goes well and look forward to seeing you on Saturday. I pray for a speey and complete recovery.
Manzella does Penick from the cart :D

Seriously, take care of yourself BM. We all wish you a speedy and perfect recovery.
One of the neighbors had this sort of trouble some time back. Today - as good as new. Hope it turns out as well for you.

Best of luck and take rehab seriously.

That's a real bummer, Brian! Hope your surgery goes well, and you have a speedy recovery. Be sure to keep us posted.

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