<You ruthlessly debated FRIENDS of mine without making any real points.>
You're off topic. But, I'll answer. If you go to the Bobby Clampett swing analysis, near the last of the recent posts I summarized 7 points that have not been invalidated by you or your buddies. How could HK mess this up so badly?
1) HK didn't know what the heck BC did in his swing. Turns out HK was NOT BC's teacher.
2) HK was getting senile, alzheimers, etc.
3) HK wasn't always perfect and had an off day. Maybe a week later he would have gotten it right. He might have, if he started over entirely.
Now, to "you ruthlessly debated FRIENDS of mine" - LOL, so now you want to try to squash me into the turf, huh? How transparent. The only way you can to that, Brian, is to delete my posts or kick me off your site for standing up to your BS.
But to do that, you'll have to break your word, already given publicly, that you won't. I don't curse, so you won't have that excuse.
I guess you adpopted that philosophy because other forums have kicked you off their forums. Hmmm, wonder why. Why would they do that to a self described genius? You are the world's best debater, aren't you? You said that didn't you? Didn't you also say you were the world's number 1 original thinker? Must be true then! Why in the heck would they miss out on your wisedom? Must be a bunch of idiots, huh?
So your only option is to try to childlishly control this debate. But then that isn't fair is it? Com'on now, fess up, you knew it wasn't the minute you started your silly scoreboard tallies. Consequently, if you won't debate fairly, I'm going to have to penalize you in kind.
Every time you give your self points, or summarize how much you "think" you are winning this debate, you earn a deduction. Any other misconduct, and you will be similary penalized.
SO RIGHT NOW, BRIAN, YOU ARE A MINUS -10 for debate misconduct! Bad forum, Brian! Oops! I meant bad FORM! LOL. AND THAT'S NOT 10 UNDER PAR, BUD. SNAP OUT OF IT OR IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE!
Now, you're asking yourself "Why'd Dave give me -10, how did he arrive at that number?".
Well, who cares. There aren't any reasonable rules here. Why don't we make it -13? Yeah, I like that better.
OK, BRIAN, YOU ARE NOW -13 AND WAY BEHIND! Oh heck, forgot to add sales tax. IT'S -15 AND CLIMBING.
David A.