Brian Manzella's new web site, new site focus, etc

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Brian Manzella

My new site will be completed in the next 10-14 days. I really am looking forward to it.

From the beginning of hosting this site, It has been my goal to educate and improve as many golfers—worldwide—as possible. I think I have done a pretty good job.

But, I know I can do better!

So, today is the day that this part of the site begins its transformation.

This forum will soon have the following categories:

Brian Manzella Video Answers

Brian Manzella Videos, Schools, & Lessons Reviews

Golf Swing Discussion and Debate

Talk About Golf

Previewing and buying the videos will be on the site, but not on the forum. Ditto, pay pal for private instruction, and Manzella Academy Upcoming Schools. These will all be on regular web pages.

The forum will change its focus to helping golfers ONLY.

It is what I am best at, and the only way to really make this site as good as it can be.

My two great friends and fellow Academy teachers, Tom Bartlett and Mike Finney, both feel like the Video Answers section is the direction to take this forum. They are right.

As far as the "Discussion and Debate" department, we will continue to debate what is the best way to perform and teach the golf swing, but with a decided emphasis on what I, Brian Manzella, and my Brian Manzella Golf Academy, believes to be correct and why. In this way, even the debates can HELP someone play or teach better.

I really enjoy pointing out all of the folly of this crazy business and all its behind closed doors factions, etc. But the fact is, on the internet, where people can post anything without using their name, winning debates on things besides what I teach and why, is something that, thanks to many of you, I have figured out, can't be done.

Let's all start fixing some golfers!!!!
Sounds great Brian---and as I mentioned in another thread somewhere, the Video Answers section is a GREAT idea. For those of us that learn better via lectures/demonstrations versus trying to dig it out of the book this is a blessing. I find it easier to read the book AFTER seeing what is being described. Some people are counting down until the 7th edition is released---I'll be counting down until the new site is finished.

Brian Manzella

Thanks, dcg.

I love books, I have bought nearly 60 books since Katrina to rebuild my lost, vast, collection. I have 4 editions of TGM now, and I'll buy the 7th too.

But, in this day in age, where I can shoot in HD and have it up inside of 24 hours, it is the way to go.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator

I like the sound of how you will be doing things. I don't post much but I lurk a lot and I have learned some of the most valuable information from the forums and from the "Confessions" and "Never Hook" videos.

You have the ability to make your videos seem like you are giving a private lesson, which is a great talent. They seem like you believe I can get better and I appreciate them (and I have gotten better-down to a 6 index looking to get lower).

Good Luck in the future and when are going to be around Chattanooga?
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