Brian only,do ...........

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any of your 10 teachers teach as you do or have different ways of teaching? Do all use same drils etc.....joe
Since Anthony disregarded the "brian only," I will too, since I was just at a Manzella Academy event and got input from each of the four teachers there.

Say you swing a little too much left and are hitting reasonable shots but that are short with too much spin. Each of the four teachers there had some slightly different and also overlapping suggestions about how to address that underlying issue. Who knows what feel or description of change will work best for a particular golfer? I would say there's a common recognition of what is to be avoided, a similar view of changes that would more likely hurt a golfer instead of making him/her better, a similar view of how to diagnose a person's most acute problems that would be familiar to people here (with slicers fix face first, what constitutes a reasonable pivot, etc), but the tweaks a particular teacher might give to move you more towards the middle of the manzella matrix vary a little. Everything is about customization and what works and trying to work that with a person's limitations and not trying to get you to fit a single pattern - like SD or NHA. More likely you get pieces of those patterns as you need them.

In some sense the feel you give someone to get them to try to adjust an ingrained swing is more an art than a science. I noticed that to exaggerate the feel of changing your swing, Brian likes to tell people to try to mimic exaggerated swings with almost the opposite swing "fault" to create a blended final result more in the middle of the matrix.
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Anthony don't worry- that vjsinger especially can be a Scoundrel.


I have to think Manzella Academy Instructors teach different in a lot of ways.
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