Brian, Soft draw is a Great Video. 2 questions

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Dear Brian,

Thanks for the SD video. I've been watching it a dozen times and picking up a lot each time I review it.
I like the section dealing with the backswing because I do have a pop out of the hands resulting in a flatish laid off shaft at top. I have tried getting more upright before and have never been able to do it as evidenced by video. My new backswing is much better and impact position as a result is more solid. Going further with the video, a few things I could not understand are:

1 At 5:04 you say that the ideal swing would be a perfect amount of pure swinging with a perfect amount of right arm addition, right arm force across the shaft. Yet at 33:38 you say make the shaft work like a rope. I can understand that at the transition you make this move, but where/when in the swing do we have the right arm addition/ force across the shaft? Is it the toss? Is it the left thumb applying pressure across the shaft? It looks to me difficult to sequence making the shaft work like a rope and then later applying force across the shaft. I feel a bit confused on this and would like to be enlightened. Is this the 4 barrel pattern that some TGM people say it is extremely difficult to execute at the expense of switting?

2 I have had the oppotunity of looking at my swing on video, and the toss is missing from trying too hard to keep a flat left wrist by pulling hard with the left arm and as you have demonstrated perfectly in the video at 36:52 applying too much negative torque in the left hand. I can only execute the toss at real low speed half swing by applying a small amount of negative torque. Any thoughts how to do the toss at full speed swings? what to watch for? Is soft draw incompatible with a full hard swing?

Thanks a ton.

Brian Manzella

Here's the Pitch.........................CRACK..........Home Run!

...At 5:04 you say that the ideal swing would be a perfect amount of pure swinging with a perfect amount of right arm addition, right arm force across the shaft. Yet at 33:38 you say make the shaft work like a rope...

The ideal swing for power—according to MULTIPLE math/physics types—is a "left side" pull until the shaft is vertical for the last time before impact (often when the left arm is parallel to the ground).

When I talk about making the shaft work like a rope at 33:48, I am saying "make it BEND in the change of directions, and TIME the unbend for impact."

I understand that "Rope" means something to TGMers and maybe I should have said something like make the shaft bend and unbend better, but, believe it or not, the amount of TGMers is dwarfed by the amount of golfers in general. So, it will stand as spoken. ;)

I can understand that at the transition you make this move, but where/when in the swing do we have the right arm addition/ force across the shaft?

See above.

It looks to me difficult to sequence making the shaft work like a rope and then later applying force across the shaft. I feel a bit confused on this and would like to be enlightened.

You are simply using the ground-up forces, and the rotation of the pivot to move the power package as is from the top in a PULL-like fashion. You apply right hand force to the club at the aforementioned location.

Is this the 4 barrel pattern that some TGM people say it is extremely difficult to execute at the expense of switting?

By TGM definitions, ALL GOOD PLAYERS WHO HIT IT A DECENT DISTANCE are 4-barrel. The 3D machines show this, and the MATH proves it.

I have had the oppotunity of looking at my swing on video, and the toss is missing from trying too hard to keep a flat left wrist by pulling hard with the left arm and as you have demonstrated perfectly in the video at 36:52 applying too much negative torque in the left hand. I can only execute the toss at real low speed half swing by applying a small amount of negative torque. Any thoughts how to do the toss at full speed swings?

You have to learn to TOSS better.

Post up some video and I'll give you a drill or two.

Is soft draw incompatible with a full hard swing?

No. It IS a full hard swing procedure, right out of the history books and the PGA Tour.

But it is incompatible with Kool-Aid. ;)

Thanks a ton.


New member
Quick question Brian

The ideal swing for power—according to MULTIPLE math/physics types—is a "left side" pull until the shaft is vertical for the last time before impact (often when the left arm is parallel to the ground).

Do you stop pulling with the left hand at this stage and use the right hand alone to complete the swing?

Brian Manzella

Good Question...

Do you stop pulling with the left hand at this stage and use the right hand alone to complete the swing?

I personally, NEVER EVER, never ever, "pull" with the left hand.

Don't teach it either.

You put BOTH hands on the club together, and in a good group they become WED.

You then pull your HAND UNIT with your pivot from the top.

The best swings—after start down—move all the components together for a time.

Pull the HANDS with the HANDS would thwart that right away.

In my own swing, I don't think of any of the WHEN, but looking at video, I do it in nearly the exact right spot.


Finally I've been able to upload my swing down the line:

Notice that my right hip pushes towards the ball on the down swing and I have a difficult time hitting from inside.

and face on:

Cannot keep my hips outrunning my arms
Thanks for your help which is very much appreciated.
Good golf swing. I noticed a couple of things that were not compatible with the soft draw pattern.

1.) You have a bit of the "pop-out" problem that Brian describes in the chapter on the backswing. Try to get the hands and club more over the ball of your foot instead of out over your toe line.

2.) You have a fader's release and "shaft exit". You are basically using the "Away From the Wall" release described in Never Hook Again, again not compatible with the SD pattern.

Most drawers of the golf ball have a shaft exit point (the shaft exit point is the first frame in a down-the-line video where the shaft cuts through the body of the golfer on the follow through) that goes through the left shoulder TIP. Hookers have that shaft through the neck or throat.

This important area of analyzing a video can tell an instructor how far to the left or right a student is swinging through the ball.

Review the "One Last Point" chapter in the SD video and try to get your shaft exiting higher. See the red line below.

Excellent simple analysis...

Maybe also a bit more elbow separation and having the shaft pointing somewhat more right of the target at the top (the proper takeaway suggested in an earlier post would help with that...)


Works in progress

Good golf swing. I noticed a couple of things that were not compatible with the soft draw pattern.

1.) You have a bit of the "pop-out" problem that Brian describes in the chapter on the backswing. Try to get the hands and club more over the ball of your foot instead of out over your toe line.

2.) You have a fader's release and "shaft exit". You are basically using the "Away From the Wall" release described in Never Hook Again, again not compatible with the SD pattern.

Most drawers of the golf ball have a shaft exit point (the shaft exit point is the first frame in a down-the-line video where the shaft cuts through the body of the golfer on the follow through) that goes through the left shoulder TIP. Hookers have that shaft through the neck or throat.

This important area of analyzing a video can tell an instructor how far to the left or right a student is swinging through the ball.

Review the "One Last Point" chapter in the SD video and try to get your shaft exiting higher. See the red line below.


I do agree with your analysis. In fact I had a much bigger pop out when I used to keep the right arm in line with the shaft. After watching SD I was convinced that this was the first thing I should address although I'm not fully at ease bring the hands closer and widening the gap between elbows at top of back swing.

Thanks to you all that responded. Now Brian how about a few drills getting from where I am to SD in my particular case?
I dont know if anyone touched on it, I didnt really read the prior post, but I was able to pause your swing right at impact, and your left wrist is cupped...


I dont know if anyone touched on it, I didnt really read the prior post, but I was able to pause your swing right at impact, and your left wrist is cupped...

Agreed. I am flipping and struggling to get the FLW on full shots.
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