Time for the GolfTek, K-Vest, iClub, or ManzellaEye
This is a really good golf swing in every way Ringer (Steve).
You have progressed to the stage where you need to spend some time with things like the GolfTek machine (for path, fcae angle, smash hit, tempo), a good launch monitor (for spin rate, lanuch angle, ball speed) K-Vest or iClub vest (for shoulder and hip turn numbers,torso tilts, and kinetic chain), and (or) The "ManzellaEye," which would be me.
Your level of mechanics needs closer inspection like the tools I have listed above, and a trip to a World-Class teacher who is not selling a method.
I—or any of the damn few people like me—would look at your swing and with the help of the numbers from the devices above, make a suggestion or two to take your swing to the next—and highest—level.
The rest is playing the game, short game, and putting.
Mechanically, you are an "
A," and to get to
A+, you just need a tweak or two, but NO OVERHAUL OF ANY KIND EVER!