Brian Vs Dalton

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My uncle is a 17 handicap and a huge fan of Dalton McCrary. I keep telling him that it is a pile of c**p but he wont listen. I am a UK 13 handicap and want to be single figures by the end of the summer and with Brians advice am sure i can do it.

Brian, fancy a challenge? Lets see if you can reduce my handicap quicker than Dalton can reduce my uncles! (Thats if he does!)

I know a guy in the States who played Dalton over 30 times (for money)...Dalton didn't win, not even once ...

This guy said Dalton's stuff is a pile of doggy-doo....:)

"40" zone of squareness?"...40 minutes of B/S more like....

Brian Manzella

A far as I know...

Dalton is aAuthorized Instructor of The Golfing Machine now.

Good for Dalton, he did his best with what he knew at the time.

and btw, frundmc.

Dalton is aAuthorized Instructor of The Golfing Machine now.

Good for Dalton, he did his best with what he knew at the time.

and btw, frundmc.


He's keeping that a bit quiet though Brian..

His website is still pushing out his old stuff...seems contradictory to say the least...

Brian Manzella

People always think that Teachers are holding back, to get you to come back.

But, trust me, after a year or so, tehy have told you 98% of all they know.

They are doing their best.

Dalton was doing his best. I really can't dislike a guy who said in his informercial while holding up Gary Wiren's rather mediocre PGA Teaching Manual, "There is nothing in this book, that I teach."
The guy I spoke to that took a lot of money off him said he couldn't break 80.....

Obvoiusly his "zone" was too big...:)

Brian Manzella

Don't get me wrong...

He had NO IDEA what the heck he was talking about.

He thought the forward kicking shaft in the Ben Hogan POWER GOLF sequence was Hogan starting to throw the clubhead at the ball.

Ah, nope. ;)

Chris Sturgess

New member
The Dalton guy is such a joke. And the guy he does the infomercial with Kevin Trudeau is a world renown sleezebag. Both huge liars. In one part of that infomercial the Trudeau guy says with Dalton's method he hit 18 fairways the first time he tried it. Since there are only 14 fairways on a golf course I'm going to go ahead and say he's lying. Haha.
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