Brian...why does axis tilt shift the plane to the right?

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Let's assume we have a driver in our hands. We are addressing a ball with a dead neutral spine....or virtually perpendicular to the ground. With the spine virtually neutral we can feel and trace that path of the club as it goes up, back and around us. In the downswing it does the same...down, out and around. However, when we shift the hips forward in the downswing...which creates axis tilt...why do we sometimes "allow" the plane/path to shift out to the right? It seems to me the "circle" we are on should be the same as with a neutral spine....the only difference is now that circle has been shifted "upward". I might not be explaining myself with 100% accuracy...but I am sure you get where I am coming from. The bottom line is why...and how do we correct....the path/plane shifting out to the right when the hips are shifted forward in the downswing?
My take is that axis tilt shifts the whole thing(cirlce/flattend elipse) towards the target. The arms/club must follow along to some extent to keep up with the shift. It sounds like your arms did not do the keeping up part.

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