Brian, you mentioned iClub

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Brian Manzella

I have played around with it...but....

I have not used it.

I will see if there is any new developments with the iClub when I attend the MIT Summit. has the best training aids, and myself and the company's owner TGM AI John-Weaver are working on a couple of new ones.

I'll keep you up to date.
Advance Putting System is pretty good...Full Swing Version could use some more bells and whistles......BUT...The BMS is measures fwd/bwd, lft/rht side bending, Clw/Ccw rotation...Shoulders/Hips...etc.....The vest fits very nicely.....easy to swing in....I know that iclub is constantly uprgrading and developing some neat stuff....

I think what is best is the data collecting portion for statistical purposes...these guys have done a great job with that....

A Training Aid....Depends if you like quantifiable feedback or not!!!
Totally right on Rover Golf

Brian is right about Rover Golf having the best training aids. Those are the only ones I use consistently and they do a deal for all three which is really good. The only other one I like is the Power Hitter which allows you to hit balls and build some strength.

I can't wait to see what Brian cooks up with Rover.


Brian is right about Rover Golf having the best training aids. Those are the only ones I use consistently and they do a deal for all three which is really good. The only other one I like is the Power Hitter which allows you to hit balls and build some strength.

I can't wait to see what Brian cooks up with Rover.

If you could only pick one of these to use, which would it be?


If you could only pick one of these to use, which would it be?

The Rover Golf products are excellant. I would probably pick the power release because I can work on loading, storing, and dumping the lag using my pivot. The Pure Swing is a very close 2nd place because hitting chips and pitches with that guide on the left arm and making sure I see 2 lines on the shaft is the best place to work on hinge action and getting a flat left wrist at the top and keeping it there until the end of a small pitch or chip. Power Angle Pro is just as good.
I have not used it.

I will see if there is any new developments with the iClub when I attend the MIT Summit. has the best training aids, and myself and the company's owner TGM AI John-Weaver are working on a couple of new ones.

I'll keep you up to date.

I viewed with interest episode 5 where you demystify the usual hype about upper and lower body moving in opposite direction at the top of the back swing.

Did you notice in the ad for the Power Release ( the following -

“An early release or casting is caused by an improper change of direction at the top of the back swing. This key move is where the upper body, hands and arms are still moving back in the back swing as the lower body starts the down swing transition. This is where the club head starts to lag.-----”

Perhaps a chat with John W. Rohan-Weaver to get on the same wavelength? ;)
Save some money.

PowerRelease = Drill a hole in a plastic golf ball or wiffle ball.

PureSwing = Martin Hall's coat hanger drill.

PowerAnglePro = a case of the shanks for everyone!
Clarity of discourse


JK mandrin. ;)

Go git' em.

Brian and John, both TGM, are joining their efforts developing new training aids. Brian could show episode 5 and convince John of the truth of his views on the transition move.

Brian Manzella

Save some money.

PowerRelease = Drill a hole in a plastic golf ball or wiffle ball.

PureSwing = Martin Hall's coat hanger drill.

PowerAnglePro = a case of the shanks for everyone!

Hello Vic.

There is ALWAYS a cheaper way to do something. But, the PowerRelease is certainly better FEEL WISE than anything you could do with a whiffle ball.

The PureSwing is the only devce I have seen that golfers doing it, don't look like they did before they used it. Better than a coat Hanger.


You had better be trying to MAXIMUM TRIGGER DELAY, but...I have seen student "customize" their use of it to great effect.

As far as the shanks, I have yet to see Mike Finney Shank one. :eek: ;)

Brian Manzella


Brian and John, both TGM, are joining their efforts developing new training aids. Brian could show episode 5 and convince John of the truth of his views on the transition move.


I am sure John would agree with episode 5. But, I'll let you know after I talk with him.

Brian and John, both TGM, are joining their efforts developing new training aids. Brian could show episode 5 and convince John of the truth of his views on the transition move.

Yes yes I understand mandrin. (I was just being a pest :D)

Might as well get this stuff right tho eh?
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