Brian, you need to write a Book!!!!!!!!

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I can't take my computer to the "library", and all my other reading material Flick, Mclean, Leadbetter etc. is now in the trash! You need to write a book, instruction manual or something close to that.

Don't mean to be so graphic but, were all friends here......................right?

I would certainly be interested in a book. I've been a lurker here for a few months and feel it's time to say thanks for the wealth of info available on this website. Never Slice Again is the best Golf Instruction video I have ever come across. The segment on lagging the sweetspot rather than the hosel has completely changed my ball striking. Does Brian have a video covering the short game only i.e 100 yards and in?. You should come to Scotland this summer Brian I'd love to receive one on one coaching from you. Keep up the good work

C'mon over!

Well, I will once again add my voice to those requesting a "Manzella European Tour 2007".

And Gimpy, Brian's video "Over and Out" mainly deals with bunker play but also touches on other short shots around the green. As you would expect, it is very very good.
Germany calling.

I would love to see Brian in Europe. Maybe a quick hop over to Germany. If not, I love Scotland in the summer.

And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All across the purple heather
Will you go, lassie, go
Lassie, go
Lassie, go


Definitely wired a little different! :D

Not really,

The chorus from

Wild Mountain Thyme

sung by the Tannahill Weavers

is singularly appropriate to the essence of johnymac2201's post.

The Tannahill Weavers are one of Scotland's premier traditional bands. Their diverse repertoire spans the centuries with fire-driven instrumentals, topical songs, and original ballads and lullabies. Their music demonstrates to old and young alike the rich and varied musical heritage of the Celtic people.

diggerdog you never cease to amaze me.
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