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Go to single axis web site and read Mandrin's review of your pivot article and my response called Manzella's bible and tell me if I offended you. Your son,


Brian Manzella

Brian Michael Manzella was born at Hotel Dieu (Hospital) in New Orleans, Louisiana in December 11, 1961.

It's called a Y'at accent.

as in "Wher ya AT, dawlin?"

In the movies, stupid Hollywood type portray the New Orleans accent as a cross between New Iberia Cajun and Atlanta drawl---an accent that doesn't exist unless you were born in Lafayette and moved to Augusta when you were 10.:D
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Brian Michael Manzella was born at Hotel Dieu (Hospital) in New Orleans, Louisiana in December 11, 1961.

It's called a Y'at accent.

as in "Wher ya AT, dawlin?"

In the movies, stupid Hollywood type portray the New Orleans accent as a cross between New Iberia Cajun and Atlanta drawl---an accent that doesn't exist unless you were born in Lafayette and moved to Augusta when you were 10.:D

How 'bout dat! I was born at Touro Infirmary, New Orleans, La, December 11, 1951. My mother worked at Hotel Dieu for several years as a secretary to an anesthesiologist.

When I was a freshman at Loyola U in 69-70, the out of town folks called us "Yat's"

I've been on a crusade for years telling people that associating New Orleans with Cajun is bogus. I didn't meet any real cajuns until I played high school sports and had to travel to Chavin, Houma, and Breaux Bridge! A New Orleans accent is more like someone from Brooklyn.

Dave Clary
Corpus Christi Tx
aLL i KNOW IS THAT DIGGER HAS TAKEN LESSONS FROM NUMEROUS TOP 50 teachers and I have improved better from this man's internet site and videos more than all lessons combined. You have made me the lagdaddy I always wanted to be. It scares me what you could do to me in person. Y.A.T.F.M!!!!!!!

Brian Manzella

Thanks Denny.

I wonder how much of a dent "Never Slice Again" would make on the National Handicap if the whole country could see it.......
15 minutes on the golf channel --- Start with the tag line----Stop The Insanity ----borrowing from that weight loss gal.Most Pro's don't understand how the elbows to the hands work.
How about one appearance on Golf Academy Live? When Don Trahan did it recently he was absoulutely SWAMPED with orders for his videos. Hell, I've received a dozen emails asking for copies of the Golf Channel appearance.
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