buddy's swing needs help

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here are a couple links to youtube of a buddy's swing. he has a bit of a problem with his left knee do to surgery and has trouble putting a lot of weight/torgue on it. any comments, suggestions, anything that i can tell him to work on? i know he doesn't have a great pivot and not a lot of weight transfer and flips, but anything else? thanks.


New member
What handicap has he got?

I am guessing 20.

He employs a lagging clubhead takeaway but ruins everything with clubhead throwaway.

Show him confessions of a former flipper.
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yes, i know. just wonder what to start with. the shots shown actually ended up ok. for the time being, i'll loan him my flipper dvd
yes, i know. just wonder what to start with. the shots shown actually ended up ok. for the time being, i'll loan him my flipper dvd

Aside from getting the left knee healthy (it looks to me like that swing is protecting his knee), he'll need to hear from someone who has experience working with someone with that kind of issue.

At the risk of incurring a "Baloney", I wonder if a more centered swing would help? With that bad left knee, his body may not let him get back over to that left side if he moves too far off it.
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