Building blocks question

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Saw the web video and got the DVD today. I really like it!
2 questions:
The DVD sent is the beta. When the final version is complete willI be receiving a copy of that too? What expected changes will there be?

The part where Brian describes the store & Tilt, I get the store part but would like a little more detail on the tilt part. I want to get an idea of the right feel and way to create the axis tilt motion. I have a tendency to either overdo the tilt or not tilt at all and just spin out.

All advice appreciated!

Brian Manzella

If you purchase ANY "Beta" video DVD, you recieve that video's DVD in its "Commercial Version" as well—no extra charge.

Example: If you spent $90 in the Beta program. No matter WHEN you entered the program, you will recieve all three (Never Slice Again!, Do It Right!, and Building Blocks) "Commercial Version"DVD's at no extra charge.

If you purchased just one Beta DVD—you get THAT Beta in its "Commercial Version" DVD form as well...but only that particular one.

As far as changes....

Building Blocks will be nearly identical, except for close-ups, a hitters primer, and a couple different angles.

To Tilt, just move the rear end forward a bit, just like in the forward press.
Thanks for the info!
I keep walking around muttering waggle waggle tap tap store & tilt!
I am off to the golf dome to work on things as I wont see green grass for at least a month!

One last question. Why is that my left wrist uncocking also flattens somewhat my right wrist hinge? Am I doing something wrong.It is by no means completely flat, but on the backswing as I cock my left wrist my right wrist hinge increases and through impact it seems I give back that amount .

Brian Manzella

"Why is that my left wrist uncocking also flattens somewhat my right wrist hinge?"

Because, despite any attempt to limit right wrist bend, it happens.
so this is ok?
As long as my left wrist stays basically flat it is okay to lose some hinging of the right wrist through release?

I watched your video today again then went to the golfdome (golf season is a good month away!) and hit balls was doing well accept for my pivot. I have a endency to spin out a bit. Then I focused on the tailbone being the driver of my downswing and once I felt the weight go into my left him socket I then fired it all through and started to really crunch some nice dirves. I kept practicing some left handed backswings to 3/4 felt my tailbone shift left and fill my left hip socket with weight and then released and swivelled and finally think I found that elusive sequence release I have had trouble with. Practiced it in themirror tonight with out a club and it looked like I was throwing a frisbee LH (I am a leftie who golfs RH). That made me think about your briliant article on the pivot where you use the frisbee.
The fog is lifting for me Brian. I am starting to get it. Thanks to you and this great site!
when coming from the end of the backswing and starting the forward or downswing and uncocking, when does the 'roll' take place? is this something that needs to be timed? is it diff. for swingers than for hitters? (or does a hitter not even 'roll')? thanks
quote:Originally posted by landshark

when coming from the end of the backswing and starting the forward or downswing and uncocking, when does the 'roll' take place? is this something that needs to be timed? is it diff. for swingers than for hitters? (or does a hitter not even 'roll')? thanks

In Swinging, the hand roll of Accum #3 starts after the left wrist uncocks and before impact. Wristcock develops clubhead speed and hand roll delivers it. In Hitting, the release of #2 and #3 is simultaneous. This is demoed here
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