Butt in pocket..

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Hi Kevin helped with this one but can Kevin or anyone else help with this..

I am a left handed person playing right handed. I have always felt like my left hand pulls the club, with a left palm down action through the ball. Creating weak shots to the right.

I just started to try to resolve this by aiming the butt of the club towards my right pocket on the down swing (more towards my groin !! ) This seems to help SO much turning the back of my left hand over, now palm up.

I have most of Brians videos but I cant find a reference to it. Is it because my left hand is my more powerfull I need this action to compress the ball?

Thanks for all comments
Are you sure your clubface is not too open?

You say you are getting weak right misses.

How much have you worked with getting more twistaway into your swing?

(ala Never Slice Again 2.0)

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
i am also a natural lefty playing right handed...mostly because i learned to bat righty in baseball so swinging golf righty feels more "natural" if that makes sense.

Sounds to me like u just have open clubface issues
Thanks for replies;

I guess I do have open face issues, played well with NSA but began to hook.

Driving the butt into my pocket seems to shift my hips & keep my head behind & really compresses the ball. I know this is a touchy subject but opening the club at the top helps too.
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