Camcorder died

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It always seems to be something. Yesterday, I shot some video on the range trying to work on some stuff before my sessions with Brian in Louisville this Thursday and Friday.

So....I get home, plug the camera into my computer, open CSwing........and I get nothing. I figure my battery is shot so I plug in my charger, and the camera doesn't even light up. The blasted thing has crossed over. I run over to Best Buy this evening, plop down $86 for a new battery, (thinking maybe the battery just gave it all up) and I get the same results. The big Nada!

It is a Canon ZR-200. It had been a pretty good camera for a couple of years. Does anyone have any experience with getting a camcorder repaired? Is it worth trying to send it somewhere to see if it can be repaired, or just toss it and buy a new one?

Which brings me to my other question. My ZR-200 has a shutter speed of 1/2000 which works fine with a golf swing. I have looked at 20 or more cameras on-line and for some reason they do not list shutter speeds in the specifications. Has it been standardized or something? I don't want to buy a new camera only to find out it only goes to 1/500 or something.

Thanks in advance guys.

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
I was breaking 2 or 3 cameras every year............. So then I went to the store and bought the cheapest camera - $199 a jvc and I still have it - it is now 3 years old. Although I just got a dvd burning camera, its awesome, great for teachers to make a dvd for students and excellent slow motion playback. I got a sony for $299

Brian Manzella

Always ahead of the curve.

Video cameras I have owned....

It could be a book.

Anyhoo, here is the deal, STAY AWAY FROM SONY CONSUMER STUFF. They lost their minds and went away from high-speed shutters. 1/500th just ain't cutting it, and the PITIFUL super slow they offer can NOT be used with even that 1/500th shutter.

Having said that, my Sony Z1U, which cost me $5000+ is beyond belief good. But it is very big and not something I would recommend to a golfer.

There is no way you can go wrong with the current crop of Panasonics. The 3CCD miniDV camcorder is ranked high on every experts list. But the one chip ones are good as well.

I am currently using a new camera that is very small and very light. It is so good, it is hard to believe. Some of the footage I will post from the Masters was shot on it. It is 720p. They have a "waterproof" one that is not HD but may work as well. If it does, I'd like to try to be a dealer. They are THAT far ahead of the game.

After I use this thing in the field for a while, I will let you know if it "holds up."
question about the panasonic camcorder. can you play it frame by frame ON THE CAMCORDER? i find this to be convenient if you want instant feedback without a laptop.
Brian, is your new camera a Sanyo? I was very impressed with it, what shutter speed does it have? Also, according to Amazon, it is both NTSC and PAL compatible, do you know if this is true?


My Panny 3 CCD camera

will give a picture that is close. If you are looking for a great, inexpensive camcorder. I have the gs 250 and love it.

I kinda wanted to keep it a secret....:(

(Staying one step ahead of the pack, even on a slow day ;) )

Sorry, boss, I was just so impressed with it, and as you know, I am in the market for a camera. Can you confirm yet anything on the PAL compatability? If it works on PAL, I think this will be the one for me.
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