What's up everyone! New dude here.
I have enjoyed learning from all of your posts particularly Brian and Yoda. I have been inspired to re-study TGM. The first two times I went through it it was like information overload. The book is amazing, but somewhat difficult for me.
Currently, I'm an 9. I have been an 9 for way to long. I want to get better. A lot of time I'm playing golf swing on the golf course rather than golf. On the other hand, I know that I could improve my mechanics. I would like to be able to control the damn ball better. If my timing/tempo is good, I can hit it where I'm looking. But if not, I hit some FUNKY shots. I'm a yank it inside cross the line, snap hooker/blocker.
I would like to be able to hit 11 or 12 greens and on the courses that I play, I don't think that's out of the question.
I value all of your insite. My question is can people who are stuck and spinning their wheels actually break out of a rut?
I've talked to good players who say "I started playing golf 3 years ago and now I'm a 4." How the heck does that happen?
Is it essential for me to understand TGM and be able to qoute chapter and verse for me to improve? You can get a boatload of crappy advice in golf. I've read a ton of books and after reading many of your posts, I know all the "pop" instructors have duped me to a certain extent.
I would like for my searching for a swing to end. I would like to figure out what I need to do to strike the ball well and "own" it. No more grasping at straws and thinking "oh boy, a snap hook I got to fix my swing again." I'm tired of being broken. I want to figure out how to learn it and own it and trust it.
How do people get better? I guess that's the point of this blathering.
Thanks in advance for any advice. As you can see I'm a headcase. [xx(]
I have enjoyed learning from all of your posts particularly Brian and Yoda. I have been inspired to re-study TGM. The first two times I went through it it was like information overload. The book is amazing, but somewhat difficult for me.
Currently, I'm an 9. I have been an 9 for way to long. I want to get better. A lot of time I'm playing golf swing on the golf course rather than golf. On the other hand, I know that I could improve my mechanics. I would like to be able to control the damn ball better. If my timing/tempo is good, I can hit it where I'm looking. But if not, I hit some FUNKY shots. I'm a yank it inside cross the line, snap hooker/blocker.
I would like to be able to hit 11 or 12 greens and on the courses that I play, I don't think that's out of the question.
I value all of your insite. My question is can people who are stuck and spinning their wheels actually break out of a rut?
I've talked to good players who say "I started playing golf 3 years ago and now I'm a 4." How the heck does that happen?
Is it essential for me to understand TGM and be able to qoute chapter and verse for me to improve? You can get a boatload of crappy advice in golf. I've read a ton of books and after reading many of your posts, I know all the "pop" instructors have duped me to a certain extent.
I would like for my searching for a swing to end. I would like to figure out what I need to do to strike the ball well and "own" it. No more grasping at straws and thinking "oh boy, a snap hook I got to fix my swing again." I'm tired of being broken. I want to figure out how to learn it and own it and trust it.
How do people get better? I guess that's the point of this blathering.
Thanks in advance for any advice. As you can see I'm a headcase. [xx(]