Can a hacker get better? If so how?

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What's up everyone! New dude here.

I have enjoyed learning from all of your posts particularly Brian and Yoda. I have been inspired to re-study TGM. The first two times I went through it it was like information overload. The book is amazing, but somewhat difficult for me.

Currently, I'm an 9. I have been an 9 for way to long. I want to get better. A lot of time I'm playing golf swing on the golf course rather than golf. On the other hand, I know that I could improve my mechanics. I would like to be able to control the damn ball better. If my timing/tempo is good, I can hit it where I'm looking. But if not, I hit some FUNKY shots. I'm a yank it inside cross the line, snap hooker/blocker.

I would like to be able to hit 11 or 12 greens and on the courses that I play, I don't think that's out of the question.

I value all of your insite. My question is can people who are stuck and spinning their wheels actually break out of a rut?

I've talked to good players who say "I started playing golf 3 years ago and now I'm a 4." How the heck does that happen?

Is it essential for me to understand TGM and be able to qoute chapter and verse for me to improve? You can get a boatload of crappy advice in golf. I've read a ton of books and after reading many of your posts, I know all the "pop" instructors have duped me to a certain extent.

I would like for my searching for a swing to end. I would like to figure out what I need to do to strike the ball well and "own" it. No more grasping at straws and thinking "oh boy, a snap hook I got to fix my swing again." I'm tired of being broken. I want to figure out how to learn it and own it and trust it.

How do people get better? I guess that's the point of this blathering.

Thanks in advance for any advice. As you can see I'm a headcase. [xx(]
I'd resist taking instruction from anyone who can't prove to your satisfaction that they hit the ball really well. Two exceptions: injury and age.

This simple requirement eliminates a huge number of instructors and books.


My opinion is being a consistent ball striker comes down to Knowledge, hand eye coordination, and most important, body control.
Why are some people more gifted athletically? Hand eye coordination and body control.
There are several ways to hit a golf ball and have success, some are more effiencent than others, some fit certain body shapes and structures better than others.

Why are drills so imporatnt to golfers? Body control, so why dont we approach the problem from that direction in ways to develope better body control, is it even possible?
Look at basketball players, i think it requires the MOST body control, but even pro players cant hit a ball very good because of the precision needed to hit the face pure center.
I don't think it is essential that YOU understand the yellow book. It IS essential that you have an AI who can teach you the information. As you learn more from them the book will tend to make more sense. Also, hang around here and the other TGM-oriented sites and read all the things you can from Brian,Yoda,etc. I've been lurking behind the scenes for a number of months and it's amazing how much info is available. However, bottom line---get a good AI. Enjoy the journey! Dr Dave


quote:Originally posted by rundmc

What's up everyone! New dude here.

I have enjoyed learning from all of your posts particularly Brian and Yoda. I have been inspired to re-study TGM. The first two times I went through it it was like information overload. The book is amazing, but somewhat difficult for me.

Currently, I'm an 9. I have been an 9 for way to long. I want to get better. A lot of time I'm playing golf swing on the golf course rather than golf. On the other hand, I know that I could improve my mechanics. I would like to be able to control the damn ball better. If my timing/tempo is good, I can hit it where I'm looking. But if not, I hit some FUNKY shots. I'm a yank it inside cross the line, snap hooker/blocker.

I would like to be able to hit 11 or 12 greens and on the courses that I play, I don't think that's out of the question.

I value all of your insite. My question is can people who are stuck and spinning their wheels actually break out of a rut?

I've talked to good players who say "I started playing golf 3 years ago and now I'm a 4." How the heck does that happen?

Is it essential for me to understand TGM and be able to qoute chapter and verse for me to improve? You can get a boatload of crappy advice in golf. I've read a ton of books and after reading many of your posts, I know all the "pop" instructors have duped me to a certain extent.

I would like for my searching for a swing to end. I would like to figure out what I need to do to strike the ball well and "own" it. No more grasping at straws and thinking "oh boy, a snap hook I got to fix my swing again." I'm tired of being broken. I want to figure out how to learn it and own it and trust it.

How do people get better? I guess that's the point of this blathering.

Thanks in advance for any advice. As you can see I'm a headcase. [xx(]


Welcome. You've asked two great golf questions and I will give my opinions.

(1) How do people get better?

This is the subject of Bob Rotella's book, The Golf of Your Dreams. I recommend it. Basically, the idea is to have a plan and work the plan in conjunction with a teaching professional. The plan includes plenty of short game work.

(2) Is it essential for me to understand TGM and be able to qoute chapter and verse for me to improve? No. If you are being trained by an authorized TGM instructor ("AI"), you could become a great player and never know there was a book written by Homer Kelley. It's only important that the AI know the material. Here's the deal with TGM. There are basic fundamentals/alignments that must be present to execute good, consistent golf shots; however, there are different ways to do it. TGM sets forth the different ways to do it and which ones are compatible with one another and which ones don't work together. The AI can show you what to do and you don't have to understand the book chapter and verse -- unless of course you want to!!

These Forums are great, but, in my opinion, the best and fastest way to learn and improve is to book a lesson with an AI.


quote:Originally posted by David Alford

I'd resist taking instruction from anyone who can't prove to your satisfaction that they hit the ball really well. Two exceptions: injury and age.

This simple requirement eliminates a huge number of instructors and books.
David,would you take instruction from someone who hit the ball really well but looked "lousy" on video analysis? eg.Furyk,Floyd,Trevino
I think Tevino looks impressive on video. But to answer your question, "no".

Life is too short. Assuming good teaching ability, take instruction from someone who looks good on video, rather than someone who looks lousy.


Thanks for the responses everyone! I'm diligently reading the book and I'm picking stuff up. But I think I would benefit from a lesson or series of lessons.

I'm going to send Brian some video of my swing. I have learned a lot by reading his articles and posts. I hope I can find a good instructor in North Carolina.

I would love to be able to work with Brian or Yoda in person.


quote:Originally posted by David Alford

I think Tevino looks impressive on video. But to answer your question, "no".

Life is too short. Assuming good teaching ability, take instruction from someone who looks good on video, rather than someone who looks lousy.
David,which part of Trevino's swing do you think looks impressive and why?He has one of the most unorthodox swing in history.This is a genuine question...i have been experimenting with the outside the line and upright takeaway with an arched left wrist(not quite as arched as Trevino)with pretty good results.As long as you flatten the shaft coming back down i'm getting some really solid hits.There might be more to Lee's method than meets the eye....
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