can closed club face cause underplane path?

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I have a very closed club face at the top of my swing. My downswing the is way inside-out and after impact the clubbutt moves up and away from my left thigh. Therfore, it is corect that if the club face is more square at the top I will be able to then supinate at bit and swing more left and have more 'right arm'?


Yes I believe that is correct, but fixing the clubface wont fix being underplane which still means the pulls will be present. For me I get really underplane when I don't hold my a$$ out on the downswing. I start the downswing perfectly but then do some sort of hip/pelvic thrust towards the ball which gets me way underplane.

One way to decrease the degree of your closed clubface is to start your hands down with a gravity drop at the beginning of the downswing. For me my clubface closes when my hands are swinging alot faster then my body. Slow down the hands and that should help with the clubface. Probably wont cure it but will at least not it down a few degrees. This is trackman proven.
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