Can I just buy the never slice agian clip?

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Can I please just buy the never slice again clip. I have the flipper video and since working on that I'm not flipping but leaving the face open. Yes I have read Brain's article on the twist away and have worked it into my swing but I think my delivery path is in question now.[?]

Brian Manzella

You WILL be able to buy the NEW Never Slice Again! on-line only, but the beta version much be purchased in DVD.

Hope to have the new one done soon.

I have your video shorts 1-4, 5 (confession of a former flipper), and the buiing block. How would I buy the never slice again video? I did not know it existed. I have read the article on never slice again but did not know about the video. Can you post a link with purchase info?

Brian Manzella

Never Slice Again is currently available ONLY as part of the "Beta Program".....Explanation follows....


For $90 the “Tester” will receive the DVD Beta’s of “Never Slice Again, “Do It Right” & "Building Blocks"

The “Tester” is requested to review the Beta’s and send us their suggestions either on the forum or by email.

As soon as the commercial DVD’s of “Never Slice Again," "Do It Right! & “Building Blocks”
are available, the tester will receive them by mail at no extra charge.

The people who are already in this program before Building Blocks (beta) was released, get the web version of Building Blocks for no extra charge, now. And—of course—the DVD when it is out.

To participate in the BETA program, click the below link:

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