Can someone define "laid off"

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I thought I knew what it was, but I am unsure of it now. I thought it was describing a position at the top where the club is pointing left of the target.

It is. More specifically, it's when the club is pointing to the left when it has reached parallel at the top. Even an on plane swing will point left when it's short of parallel; it would have to in order for the butt of the club to point at the base of the plane, as it should when it's on plane.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
My best guess is tracing a plane line outside of the target line.

Jim S.


It is at any point where the butt end of the club is pointing to the outside of the plane line.

Jbrunk, don't be confused with a clubshaft pointing slightly left of target before it reaches parallel, it has to. If you are going to conform to the plane. However you can do too much (laid off) or you can to too little (steep).
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