Is it possible to make a proper divot that starts after the ball if you flip? Brian's divot drill from flipper where you make a divot and try to extend it got me thinking about this. Is it possible to cheat that drill anyways?
Why would you want to prevent a divot that isn in your mind proper past impact? Flip or no flip, what is the difference?! I know tendencies and the imperatives dictate otherwise, but many great players have had this anomoly.
Hit it twice forward and have a great short game. "Golf starts from 100 feet and in!" Quote from a tour player who was exempt for 13 years. MK
so then how do you know if you are "doing it right"
But with a "middle-ish" ball position, and some well timed knee bend, you can have a bent left wrist at impact AND a divot passed the ball.
If your head stays well back of your tailbone, & you don't curve the divot way left, you can't cheat the drill.
But with a "middle-ish" ball position, and some well timed knee bend, you can have a bent left wrist at impact AND a divot passed the ball.
If your head stays well back of your tailbone, & you don't curve the divot way left, you can't cheat the drill.
But with a "middle-ish" ball position, and some well timed knee bend, you can have a bent left wrist at impact AND a divot passed the ball.
what exactly is the The Divot WALL Drill??
The drill I am referring to is as follows. Make a divot in the center of your stance. Then without changing your stance, try to make another divot starting at the end of the first divot, thereby extending the divot line toward the target. Then try to take a third divot starting at the end of the second divot, etc... Again all without changing your stance from the first divot.