Can you swing too far to the left?

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Brian Manzella

Can you?

Hell yeah!​

"Manzella teaches golfers to swing left."

Ah, no.

I teach people who swing too far to the right to swing MORE to the left.​

How do you keep yourself from swinging too far left?

• Axis tilt with the right amount of open shoulders.

• ALAWYS hit the ball with an open clubface

• Right arm under the left

• Look at the part of the ball you want to hit

• Work on THROW-OUT action

• Practice with a PLANE BOARD. If you swing too far left, you'll hit it past the ball. Too far right, before the ball. Those too far to the right teachers never pull out the plane board, do they? ;)
they're easy...

Good stuff! When are you going to start selling plane boards?

I made one out of a golf bag box. Just cut the box to have three sides, taking the bottom of the box as a known variable. Depending on what angles you want the bottom two to be, you can calculate what length the other two sides need to be. Really pretty simple. I've got one that's 70 degrees on one side (for putting) and 61 degrees on the other (for my 7 iron). It ends up looking like a slightly off-kilter triangular box, but it's great for teaching...
The towel drill is especially recommended. It helped me with my plane problems and today I manage for the first time to hit a draw.

Now at least I can get a good on-plane swing in the living room. At the range, sometimes I still get an out-side in swing when hitting a golf ball. That's golf I guess.:)

And I would like to thank Brian for his towel drill video. Thank you Sir. Hope you are reading this.


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