Canadiens only....

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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I never thought to mention this to all the Canucks around here but Ive worked at a great indoor golf and hockey facility for the past seven years.

Anyway, guess who's my boss?

Dave Hanson.

If that name doesnt ring a bell think "Slap Shot". Yes, one of the Hanson brothers is my boss. He's very cool, great with signing memorabilia and looks exactly like he did in the movie. Super smart guy and I just cant get past some things every time i look at him.

Anyway, topics have been slow recently so I thought those north of the border might get a kick out of that.
not to nitpick, but...

We've got a Hanson-brothers autographed golf hat in the shop.

And, by the way, it's spelled CanadiAns. I think CanadiEns only refers to the Montreal hockey team.
Hahaha mint. Believe it or not I have never seen that movie. Though I understand it is legendary and also feel ashamed right now.

Where you at Kevin? Pitt?

You play any hockey??

Jim is supposed to have a real good slapshot.


Hahaha mint. Believe it or not I have never seen that movie. Though I understand it is legendary and also feel ashamed right now.

I admit to being a lurker on here but as a fellow Canadian, I must say if you've never seen it:

you go to da box for 2 minutes by yourself you feel shame…then you get free

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Hahaha mint. Believe it or not I have never seen that movie. Though I understand it is legendary and also feel ashamed right now.

Where you at Kevin? Pitt?

You play any hockey??

Jim is supposed to have a real good slapshot.'re killing me. You wouldve had to have seen it almost by accident. Rent it.

And no... I cant even skate.
I'm not Canadian, but much of the movie was shot in Syracuse and in Utica.

A few years ago Joey Porter when playing with the Steelers got into a fight before a game with somebody on the Browns and there were no refs on the field just yet and I said that Porter was 'channeling his inner Hanson Brother' and nobody had an idea of what I was talking about.

Tis the life of living in the deep south.


I watch this tonight Kevin...! ;)

Already best thread ever...:)
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Bolt- I have not seen it! Unfortunately, I do not even know what it is.

But then again I have taken flack for being a guy who has not seen The Godfather(s), Supertroopers (dunno), and who knows what else. (can't think of any ATM)

I have a hard time sitting and committing to watching movies these days for some reason. (OCD) I aspire to.

As for Slapshot...I now have it and will watch it tonight if I have time...! :)
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