I'm really not sure why anybody here would agree with this. Chamblee is basically saying you don't need a teacher and you don't need video. This is a golf instruction Web site. Agreeing with this is like saying we wouldn't need Brian to help us.
I find there's this irrational logic that golfers have to develop the swing 'naturally.' I was talking about this the other day with a friend...what is so pleasurable for me about playing golf now is that the mysteries have GREATLY faded away on the shots I hit. Today I hit a shot that started out slightly right of the target and drew well left of the target. With the new ball flight laws and D-Plane it's no longer a mystery to me at the very basic level what happened with the clubhead and clubface at impact.
I cannot tell you how much of a GIGANTIC relief it is for me to know this. And I have a lot of people to thank, particularly Brian for helping me understand this.
I won't claim that I'm a great ballstriker, but I do hit about 12 GIR on average on courses that have about 140 slopes and I don't miss many fairways. I didn't just wake up one day with this swing. It took a lot of hard work, but more importantly I needed to study the swing and get help from the right people and the right Web sites to just get here, because if I wanted to improve my swing 'naturally' and by 'judging the flight of the golf ball', I don't have the ability to do it.
Young golfers aren't winning majors for many reasons, but the video camera isn't one of them. Guys lose their swings for many reasons, but the video camera isn't one of them. Give me a mediocre or flawed instruction and give him a camcorder and he'll still be mediocre. Take away the camcorder and they'll be mediocre. Give them Trackman, 6-degree 3D motion machine, a SAM Puttlab and they will STILL be mediocre.
It's hard agreeing with Chamblee because guys like him really don't want to see ANY changes made in the golf swing or they will call it 'too technical.' Believe me, it's these type of people that would want Kevin Shields to ignore instruction from Brian and never buy a Trackman.
It's not the video, it's the instructor.