Can't see the ball on backswing?

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I have an unusual problem that I hope someone can help me with. When I try to make a large pivot on my backswing, I can't see the ball. I am left-handed and left eye dominant. When I make this large shoulder turn, I can only see the ball with my right eye. Has anyone else had this problem and what is a solution (besides making a smaller pivot)?


You don't need a "big pivot". All you need to do is turn that right shoulder to the plane and then load onto your left foot, extending the swing radius down the feet and allow the right shoulder to go downplane..... You do this with a hand controlled pivot.... The pivot is power package transport... and it is monitored by the hands....
I am sure you do not have a Head Centered Tripod. Head and feet must form an isoceles triangle -- that is the Tripod -- throughout the swing (until both arms straight)
I had that problem - for years! It disappeared completely as I incorporated a Right Forearm Pickup and got my hands and arm to move UP on plane instead of behind me. Realizing what I'd done wrong all these yeare made me feel really stupid.

Get away from the shoulder turn & just make the Right Forearm Pickup. As you get it right you won't believe the huge difference it makes - or so I think.


quote:Originally posted by cliffp

I have an unusual problem that I hope someone can help me with. When I try to make a large pivot on my backswing, I can't see the ball. I am left-handed and left eye dominant. When I make this large shoulder turn, I can only see the ball with my right eye. Has anyone else had this problem and what is a solution (besides making a smaller pivot)?

Just to add a little to the other fine responses, the right shoulder only turns back TO your swing plane. If you are turning beyond that, you are over-rotating, which leads to all of the problems that have been discussed.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I just want to add that the right forearm pickup and the stationary head concept are great things and will work for A LOT of people IF (big IF) they know how to execute them. However for a lot of "real" golfers these concepts won't work out too well w/o the help of an A.I.

So you don't have to do these to get rid of your problem. You are probably just swaying off the ball instead of turning. Take little steps to fix things.
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