Can't stop hitting behind ball (fliipping) help!

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I have all of Brian's vids and have watched the Confessions video mavbe 3 times. But I still find myself at times hitting about two inches or more behind the ball when the timing of my flip is not there. My drop of the club is happening way before I get to the ball, resulting in the drop kick type shots where the sole bounces off the turf and the ball is a line drive..

I did the 3 ball drill I have see Brian do, with the ball you are hitting beside two other balls right in line with it. I can NEVER get my divots on the forward side of that line, my divots are a on the ball or a little behind it. Ball flight is stratight to hooked and very high.

I try to take a PW and do the half pitches from the Confessions to get the sensation of compressing the ball. I always wind up skulling them, fatting them, or not making solid contact. I know I probably need to just go to the range and do this for a whole bucket or two just get it right, if ever, I guess.

Could I maybe not be pivoting completely through, thus leaving my hands to drop to far behind the ball?
Are there any other good swing thoughts, or drills I could try. Somethin I could use in a full swing to help me get those divots in front and get compression. I feel like I have tried everything, and getting paralysis by analysis.

Appreciate any help .
thanks much


What I've found is that if I don't clear my hips, I'm flipping. Sometimes I subconsciously forget to keep turning my hips and I stop them parrellell to the target line, I'll flip and often dig a trench behind the ball. If I keep my hips turning I hit the ball without a flip and my divot is forward of the ball instead of behind the ball.

IMO trying to learn to hit the ball with forward hands and pivot has been difficult without an instructor to physically show me. I learn a lot from the videos but for me, I can learn so much quicker when an instructor shows me.

One other video you may want to try is Never Hook Again. It's part of BZ's "The Movie" package. It's got some REALLY good information. The high hook you have might be solved by this video. Maybe you're not taking your arms up the wall?

BTW, in his video Ben Doyle says to work on one thing for a week (may have been a month) and then work on the next thing when you have that down. I think that's probably extremely true especially when learning off of videos. There's a ton of info in Brian's videos and if you're anything like me, you'll quickly go on information overload trying to implement or fix everything at once.
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I have all of Brian's vids and have watched the Confessions video mavbe 3 times. But I still find myself at times hitting about two inches or more behind the ball when the timing of my flip is not there. My drop of the club is happening way before I get to the ball, resulting in the drop kick type shots where the sole bounces off the turf and the ball is a line drive..

I did the 3 ball drill I have see Brian do, with the ball you are hitting beside two other balls right in line with it. I can NEVER get my divots on the forward side of that line, my divots are a on the ball or a little behind it. Ball flight is stratight to hooked and very high.

I try to take a PW and do the half pitches from the Confessions to get the sensation of compressing the ball. I always wind up skulling them, fatting them, or not making solid contact. I know I probably need to just go to the range and do this for a whole bucket or two just get it right, if ever, I guess.

Could I maybe not be pivoting completely through, thus leaving my hands to drop to far behind the ball?
Are there any other good swing thoughts, or drills I could try. Somethin I could use in a full swing to help me get those divots in front and get compression. I feel like I have tried everything, and getting paralysis by analysis.

Appreciate any help .
thanks much


I am FAR from an expert on this, but I share the same problem as you. I bought the Confessions Of A Former Flipper video yesterday, GREAT stuff. One thing in the video I found that might help us:

Mr. Manzella is stressing the fact that the left shoulder needs to be moving up and away from the ball on the downstroke of the chip/pitch stroke. A REVELATION for me. I'm afraid I can't try it outside because of snow, but I can't wait to. It could be the missing piece of the puzzle for both of us...

I would be VERY interested if Brian could let us know if we may be on the right track with this move. If I am wrong, I apologize in advance, it's just something I am excited to try!

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Kevin,,I know of the left shoulder coming up etc..I actually setup with the left shoulder a little higher,,and if I feel like I am trying to compress, I obviosuly am in the wrong tilt then and you really don't hit it well.

One thing I have found,,is that if the left shoulder moves up, but the pivot does not continue around you can still flip it or dig behind the ball.

Kevin,,I know of the left shoulder coming up etc..I actually setup with the left shoulder a little higher,,and if I feel like I am trying to compress, I obviosuly am in the wrong tilt then and you really don't hit it well.

One thing I have found,,is that if the left shoulder moves up, but the pivot does not continue around you can still flip it or dig behind the ball.


Hmmm, my left shoulder stays down, so it still may work for me. Sorry it doesn't click for you... I agree 100% with your last sentence.

well I have never read TGM and only know about PP #3 behind the sweetspot. Have seen all of Brian's vids,,so I know what he says to do, I am just trying to find some key that will click to me and BAM, compression,,divots in front of ball
my favorite is to put the ball in a divot, and hit it from there. do that for a while and you learn to do it properly, as a scooping, flipping action wont make decent contact
my favorite is to put the ball in a divot, and hit it from there. do that for a while and you learn to do it properly, as a scooping, flipping action wont make decent contact

I'll second that, never done it myself but know many that use it. Maybe this spring I'll give a whack at it.


well I have never read TGM and only know about PP #3 behind the sweetspot. Have seen all of Brian's vids,,so I know what he says to do, I am just trying to find some key that will click to me and BAM, compression,,divots in front of ball

Do the Coke machine drill.
Yeah, straight line delivery path is how I first felt real compression. Amazing how you can feel compression on a little pitch shot.
A great drill...

Joeunc, if you have access to a practice bunker...get in that bunker, draw a line in the sand perpendicular to your feet ( about where the ball would be in your stance ) and start making swings ( no ball ). Stay in there until you start splashing sand out of the bunker even with OR AHEAD of the line. To accomplish that, your left wrist must stay flatter longer than you are doing now. In time, you'll figure out what it feels like, and your fat shots will be a thing of the past.:D
that one is similar to the one with the perpindicular line of balls,,and you try to get the divot on the forward side of the balls..I think today or tomorrow will probably be 90 to 100 balls doing nothing but the chip/pitch shots from flipper video,,,hoping a light goes on and I get that flat left wrist at impact longer and don't scoop with the drop too early. Also, I gotta believe the pivot has something to do with it also. If the pivot stops this can cause the hands to drop early ,correct?

If I feel my weight on my left foot the entire time, I can hit that pitch. If I shift back, fat city. This is feel by the way. Also, Brian's never slice again video helped because I find it easy to drive the hosel and not the sweetspot. When I feel the finger on the clubface as Brian identifies, the fats and shanks go away.
i sometimes try to pull my right foot back and just balance it on the toe with the majority of my weight on my left foot and i don't get the flips or the fats,,but neither is myleft shoulder higher than my right or my head behind the ball etc..
I tend to hit fat when I'm not pivoting properly. Keeping weight left during bsw seems help as a compensation, but I would not call it a fix.

My problem's been that I tend to loose pp#4 (left arm to chest) very early in the downswing. I now think that it came from a wrong idea of arms (esp. left) pulling the club around, instead of the pivot doing the job. As a result I've was not able to get my hips & shoulders open at impact.
I eventually had to practice with a feel that I really left my arms behind and only the pivot was pulling them around. Left side passive & freely extended, right side pulling the elbow down to my side and shoulder down plane.

Legwork is very important to get pivot going. Brian's 'perfect pivot in 100 words or less' helped a lot.
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