Find a list that goe too well....infinity. Someone i have given a few lessons to has taken lessons from him and in my honestly opinion, take it for what it's worth, it's all poop.
Honestly, where he really just made me go "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" was he was answering some "emailed question" TGC normally does. I don't remember exactly what it was about but something to do with slicing the ball i think with the driver.
He goes waaaay out into left field about how trying to "hit up" on the ball is possibly a reason for slicing. Ok, i'm with him it's stretch but a possiblitiy. THEN he says trying to "hit up" gives you a whole lot of axis tilt and axis tilt creates an OPEN CLUBFACE.
He takes some chick that was his "demo golfer" and tilts her from the shoulders and says "look, the face opens." Well, YEAH if she allows her left arm to rotate open. SHEESH.
I can have all the axis tilt in the world and a closed clubface at impact and hit a high hook. Like i said, i'm glad he's close to me cuz i can fix all his students that don't get satisfactory results.