The ole double cross
I knew her well.
I still occasionally hit the "I am aiming left for my fade, but I wind up hitting a pull." I call that a "single-cross." That would be caused simply from lack of axis tilt and not open enough torso.
But, the "I am aiming left for my fade, but I wind up hitting a pull hook" official "double-cross" is a whole other ball-o-wax.
To hit the "I am aiming left for my fade, but I wind up hitting a pull hook official 'double-cross' shot," you need to basically try to push fade it, by swinging OUT on it too much, and have a lack of axis tilt and not open enough torso, which help the club close too fast.
Also, making a "draw" backswing won't help a bit.
More of a straight back and up backswing, less axis tilt at the top, follow the "yellow brick road" and swing left enough, AND have more axis tilt and an open enough torso.
Kinda like the "Never Hook Again 1.0" pattern.