Great timing; retains spine angle forever (after the ball is way gone)...right foot stays down for a long time because of this.
Lag? Good fundamentals? Ya, those are surely part of it...that's the boring answer tho eh. [8D]
To me, he seems to be a pretty loose guy over the ball. I like the way he doesn't dink time to tense up or think about things too much. Very Freddie-like that way. They just seem to trust the swing they have grooved in and whack the ball w/o being overly anal about technique: that's what the range is for, right? He has a much faster tempo than Freddie and it would screw me up to go that fast, but it works for him.
I have taken this approach to my swing lately and it is the best thing I could've done after working on technique for so many years. I needeed that time to sort things out and retrain my swing but it's good enough now. These days I try to think of nothing- literally, nothing. If I have one thought in my head it is to stop thinking- and that in itself is too much. The Double Connexion is re-enforcing this idea. I now just need to implement a Clear Key as a way of distracting my mind.