Chicken or the egg....Balance or Correct Swing?

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
This is something i am starting to notice more and more often. Everyone really stresses balance in the golf swing; as do myself even. But the more i find myself in balance at the end of a good swing it seems that i have produced the right movements (mechanically) to achieve such supreme balance and ending position.

So which is it? Does correct balance create the right movements? Or does the right movements create the right balance?

The more and more i see good players and myself when i'm just striping the ball, it seems when i'm on plane and making the right movements is the only time i have just about perfect balance. I've noticed this in the pros as well, that usually when they end up in perfect balance the shot is where they want it. You can almost tell from their finish what the ball is going to do (be online or off)

Debate begin............NOW
Maybe the question is maintaining balance. We are balanced as humans to stand at address, but to maintain this balance throughout a pivot of weight shifts to produce a circular motion that remains on plane, I think that “balance” comes from the design of mechanics.
Your persuit to maintain your balance inherently self corrects most major swing flaws.

Work on one thing and fix most everything.. or work on most everything to fix one thing.

Seems one works faster than the other.


Eyes closed, heavy club. I agree completely with Ringer. Why not take the faster route? Do less, stay in balance. In fact, the more efficient your motion, the less moving parts. Minimize motion while maintaining balance and 'flow' - the swinging force. Balance and finish positon - Knudson's approach can be very powerful if you allow it to be.

rockabye baby
CLubhead Lag is your friend, throw away the enenmy. Lag allows you to stay on balance. Throw away is usually over acceleration and the resulting off balance. Swing slow and lag every shot including putts.
Balance cannot be forced. A high wire circus perform doesn’t force balance, it exists within him. At address we are balanced, we cannot improve this balance any better then it is. Maintaining your balance requires the rotation of proper mechanics just like the high wire act.
In the most powerful golf swing, the player moves in such a way to potentially lose his balance, and then the proper action to catch his balance completes the stroke. That is, the left hip falls into the left foot and then the upper body tilts backwards.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Well there is some good advice here but no one has answered whether or not they believe balance is a result of a correct motion or by starting in balance you can create the correct motoins.

That is what i'm getting at "chicken or the egg"
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

Well there is some good advice here but no one has answered whether or not they believe balance is a result of a correct motion or by starting in balance you can create the correct motoins.

That is what i'm getting at "chicken or the egg"

Gee I thought I did, twice.

Good balance does not produce good movements. However, it can provide the environment in which an effective stroke can be made. On the other hand, for the most powerful swing, the player must challenge his safety envelope, by falling into his left side. This takes courage, especially under pressure of playing.
In this extreme lateral move, the left hip is moving to it's anatomical limit over the left foot. While falling into the left side, balance is abandoned, but with the knowledge that it will be recovered provided the arms swing downward and the tilt happens. If the club were forceably held at the top, the player would stumble toward the target and the right leg would swing over the left to keep from falling to the ground.


"I let my club balance me" - Moe Norman

Think about a wheel, with a stable hub. The hub is at the base of the neck/top of spine, between the shoulder blades.

Think about a rock on a string.

Think about your hands.


As long as the center of gravity does not fall out of the swing unit, at address or during the swing.
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