Chicken Wing as a cure to hook...

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I noticed a lot of very good golfers with a strong grip who chicken wing. Included in this list is Arnold Palmer, Jim Thorpe, Lee Westwood, Jamie Sadlowski, and Tommy Gainey.

I know it's not the prototype and many people view a chicken wing as a swing fault, but for a person who likes to play with a strong grip, is this a viable swing and something an instructor would consider teaching.

It seems like a pretty good way to develop a fairly consistent fade.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Whats the one thing those guys have in common? All are extremely strong players. Im not sure that some dont do it well past impact but they all are very strong in the arms.
Kevin, that's a good point. Other than Jamie, all are build like bulls with large upper bodies.

I hadn't thought about that, I wonder what is it about broad chested players that would make a chicken wing work for them.

The reason I mentioned it is that I tried it on the course the last couple of days, shot a 74 yesterday, and a 38 on the front 9 today. I typically hit hooks and pull hooks, but by making a chicken wing finish, I was hitting a pretty consistent fade.

Now, I'm short and stocky, so I fit the profile.
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