quote:Originally posted by jerry1967
what is the cause of not enough rotation?
Your flipping the wrists most likely. It's hard to both flip the wrists AND rotate [the arms] fully as you should.
There are numerous causes for why you flip the wrists (aka clubhead throwaway)
1.) Improper weight shift. If you stop moving forward, you have to release early to hit the ball. Also, if you move too far forward, that is akin to placing the ball too far back in your stance.
2.) As noted above, faulty ball position can cause all sorts of issues.
3.) Improper sequencing. Instead of driving or leading with the lower body, you are leading with your hands. This 'early release' is a killer of many golfers. This is a tremendous loss of power.
Hogan once said something to effect that it is very hard to consciously manipulate the clubface with your hands. It's moving way too fast. Thus, I believe a good grip is paramount in allowing you to hit the inside-aft-quadrant of the ball consistently. A bad grip is going to make you manipulate your hands to make good contact.
In my experience when I get people to lead with the lower body, the arms seem to drop by themselves. The angles are retained much longer and since the weight is shifted back to where it's supposed to be, they are are able to swivel like they should.