THe only issue I have with the article is the end when he describes what should be happening in a swing. "In the downswing, the right shoulder should fire right at the ball--down, out and forward"
Whenever I have attempted to aim my right shoulder directly at the ball, my pivot train is interrupted and my right shoulder doesn't feel it is properly lagging and fully participating in the shot. Feels like my right shoulder is making a weak ,underhanded, flat scooping motion.
HK describes the role of the right shoulder as 'back' and 'down' (plane). The right shoulder needs to rotatate away from the target a bit(back) before it rotates towards the ball(downplane). If I rotate the right shoulder back and down after a hip slide, I feel a powerful, overhanded, steeper driving motion.
Firing the right shoulder directly at the ball disrupts my pivot and creates lag leakage.