Chuck Evans compared to Ben Doyle Tapes????

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For anyone who has seen both tapes, could you give some feedback on the value YOU received from each and why? Dont concern yourselve with the quality of the audio/video, I dont care about that, but, what about the content did you like or dislike. Which one seems to help you the most.


I have the Chuck Evans tape, and, frankly got two drills that I feel will help, ("dont hit the club" and "drag the clubhead"). All the other stuff was basic and not enlightening.


I have Ben's, Chuck's, Tomasello's, Homer's. If you don't mind I will give my op on Ben's and Chuck's.

Ben's tape is in more detail than Chuck's. Ben actually goes through the 24 Components of TGM. It is the first tape I ever owned that dealt with TGM and it has been in my library since 1991.

Chuck's tape is more of the simple version of TGM. But, all is there if one follows the tape and does the drills.

In neither of the tapes are there a particular stroke pattern. It is quite obvious that Ben is more into Swinging. Chuck has always been more of a Hitter.

That is a quicky review. Hope this answers some of the questions and if more is needed, I can provide more if anyone has further questions. Got to get my reservations for Atlanta and the Beloved CUBBIES!!!!! confirmed.
quote:Originally posted by dude

I have Ben's, Chuck's, Tomasello's, Homer's. If you don't mind I will give my op on Ben's and Chuck's.

Ben's tape is in more detail than Chuck's. Ben actually goes through the 24 Components of TGM. It is the first tape I ever owned that dealt with TGM and it has been in my library since 1991.

Chuck's tape is more of the simple version of TGM. But, all is there if one follows the tape and does the drills.

In neither of the tapes are there a particular stroke pattern. It is quite obvious that Ben is more into Swinging. Chuck has always been more of a Hitter.

That is a quicky review. Hope this answers some of the questions and if more is needed, I can provide more if anyone has further questions. Got to get my reservations for Atlanta and the Beloved CUBBIES!!!!! confirmed.

Thanks for the reply, but, again I ask, how did either help you in terms of your concept of the swing and/or your actual swing itself? What, in particular, did you like or dislike about the content of the tapes.

For me, the Evans tape was a simple "what the fundementals are" of grip, stance, posture, hinging, release, etc. with a few drills. 2 of the drills are of immediate help (especially the drill where you place a club perpendicular to the target line, approximately 6-8 inches behind the ball. You must strike the ball without striking the club. Forces you to hold the angle longer and have a flat left wrist. Great drill that I use now).



300, all 24 Components of the swing is on the Evan's tape. It does not go in sequence though. It was not done with the audience of those who know of or care about TGM which is very limited, but rather for the general masses. The tape is also all about options, that is the crux of Homer's work. That is why AI's, though all are not equal, teaching curve is superior. Those AI's who are properly trained can and will mix the correct componenets so the golfer can perform at his or her highest level.

I do not know if I can supply what you are looking for. Are you looking for someone to go into explicit detail of all the drills and where the components on both tapes are located and defined? Just not sure. Willing to help but I do not know if I get what you desire. I may be a bone-head today due to the Cub and FSU high. Unfortunately I have to possibly watch da' Bears this evening. Yikes.



quote:Originally posted by brianman


There are a number of tapes, audio's, articles, letters, and many other things that were found in the garage at Homer's home. How they will be presented or brought to the marketplace is uncertain at this time or if they ever will be available. The amount of boxes that were present is quite extensive. If something pops anytime soon, I will give a shout out.
quote:Originally posted by dude

I do not know if I can supply what you are looking for.

Just looking for your viewpoint </u>with respect to how benificial YOU found each of the tapes (Doyle and Evans), and which one may be more be useful in terms of helping golfers improve. Thats all, nothing in-depth or difficult and no need to defend anyone, just your opinion/impressions.
if i wanted to show TGM to a friend, I would show them the Doyle tape rather than the Evans tape.
As you know, it's basically 2 hours of Ben Doyle standing in front of the camera and making a few hundred swings and 3 or 4 different angle. It's beautiful. His explanation is good too.
However, I can't do it. Some days i've got it, some days I don't. I've thought about it, over and over, since 2001, when I first picked up both videos. From my own experience, I try to use the Hitting philosophy (at least what little I know about it). I feel that I play golf a lot better when I use the Hit stroke. It's a big difference.

So 300Drive, if you want to know which tape I like better, I would say that I would never teach my older brothers (who play only once or twice a month) the lessons from Ben's tape. They're easily frustrated by this game. And I believe that the hit stroke makes it simple on a daily basis.
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