Clampett's wrists on backswing

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Looking at those pictures of Clampett's swing with the analysis by Homer, his left wrist looks bent on the backstroke at waist-level and his right wrist seems to be arched. It this observation correct, and, if so, is it recommended procedure?

I sure wouldn't do that. My backswing is started with a right forearm trace of the plane line with an immediate right wrist bend. Why not get the right wrist frozen in a bent and level condition from the git-go?

Always heard the first 18" of the backswing was supposed to be by your shoulders turning. If you bend the right wrist immediately, would that not cause you to pick the club up too abruptly and narrow your swing arc? As for Clampett, his right wrist does not appear bent even after the club gets waist-level. This is a pretty crucial movement I always thought. Is your own right wrist bent fully at the first inch of takeaway?


Shoulders follow the hands in my motion. The right wrist is bent to a MAX by shaft-parallel-to plane line position, which gives me an arched left wrist. Homer mentions the "disruptive" shoulder takeaway, but I can't find the exact place at the moment. Take another look at Brian's article, "Never Slice Again", and check the 2nd photo. I TRY to retain that max bend into the follow through. I'm very flexible, and the max bend for me is about gives at most a 45 deg angle between the shaft and the right forearm. The thing I like about max bend is that an extreme is easier to consistently execute than something in between, AND it requires less shoulder turn to get enough "deep" enough on the backswing.

But your left wrist is FLAT at the top and only arched on the backswing, right? When I take the right wrist bend to the MAX, I can't but help having an arched wrist at the top.

MIzuno Joe,
Do you see Joe Montana'a wrst broken all the way back as he prepares to throw or does he lengthen the arm in his takeaway and narrow it his downswing. Of course, I would have a much tighter swing if I had Lawrence Taylor closing in on me as I took my 9 iron to the top. I personally can't time such a long takeaway nor do I have the flexibility for it. I am short and Stadler-esque, except not as good, and not as wealthy, but not as fat....yet.


quote:Originally posted by Archie Swivel

Always heard the first 18" of the backswing was supposed to be by your shoulders turning.

That'll automatically start you back incorrectly. Hands and right forearm take the club UP the plane.

No, it is arched at the top.

Aren't you taking lessons from Brian? Perhaps the arched left isn't what he wants you to do. Could be incompatible with whatever he has you doing.

It's not a "long takeaway". Look at the 2nd pic in Brian's article "October '03-Never Slice Again!". I just do that from the normal address position.
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