Club length question

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i have been playing for about a year with a borrowed set who's drivers were custom fitted for an above average height golfer.( just ordered my own standard set) Shots with the other clubs are more or less predictable however with the driver teeshot vary from fantastic to pathetic and i cannot seem to control this. Could this be due to the club being too long for me? i do grip it lower then usual but someone said to me that it unbalances the club amy thoughts??
Hello kigo,
May I suggest that you go to the rang and hit 10 or 15 balls with your normal grip. Notice where the average of these balls first hit the ground. Forgetting the obvious very bad ones, notice how big a circle would that would include all your hits.
Then hit another 10 or 15 balls with a shorter grip. At first only shorten it about a half inch or so. Again notice where the balls first hit the ground. Is the circle smaller ( meaning better consistancy) or no change. If it seems to get more consistant continue trying the shorter grip. After several trips to the range with the shorter grip ask yourself the question "Are you still more consistant?" If after you've got comfortable with the grip change and it has helped your consistance have you club maker shorten the club.
While you are doing this keep an eye on distance and decide if the loss of distance (if any) is worth the increase in consistancy.
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