Clubface: My Discovery

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Long story short: Had my lesson with Brian a few weeks ago and once he corrected a few things I was having some trouble closing the face properly, aka leaving some shots out to the right and couldn't hit a draw to save my life.

2 days ago I remembered a drill to help you rotate the face better. The drill is where you open the face a bunch and then you try to make the ball go straight. To do this you obviously have to rotate that sucker a bunch. Well, the first time I tried it the contact felt amazing and it continued. I then set the face up square but opened it a lot on the backswing; same results. PURE CONTACT

How and the heck is this happening? I couldn't close it to save my life and now I'm opening it like crazy and the ball is a slight draw?
Would love to hear one of the pros weigh in on this, I've noticed the same phenomenon before where if I rotate the face as wide open as possible during the first part of backswing, contact is much better...more compression, more sizzle, better flight.

My suspicion has been it's compensating for some other move I'm doing wrong because it definitely doesn't seem orthodox and common thought would be it would cause a wide open clubface at impact, but I have no problem rotating back to shut.
Another reason I've wondered about this is because of this quote from Hogan....

"I rolled the face of the club open away from the ball. That cupped my left wrist. Coming down, the face was moving so fast I couldn't turn it over and hook. I was rotating the club like a baseball bat, and the faster I could rotate it, the more distance I got. Training myself, I would roll the face open as fast and as far as I could."

Now, I understand that Hogan was fighting a hook where most amatuers have the opposite issue....but there's something to the feeling of rolling the face open.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
As long as you ROLL, and not flip, it shut. Rolling (with good dynamic sequence) with down arch the wrist and allow you to compress it. Not something i would recommend daily to average players but whatever works...and this definately works.
As long as you ROLL, and not flip, it shut. Rolling (with good dynamic sequence) with down arch the wrist and allow you to compress it. Not something i would recommend daily to average players but whatever works...and this definately works.

Thanks Kevin, so as far as the feel of rolling the face open at the beginning of the that for SOME swings preparing the face for a better orientation in the downswing?

If I don't feel like I'm rolling the face open at startup...basically the opposite of contact is shut and steep, especially with the short irons. I'm just wondering if rolling the face open is a compensation for some other fault in the backswing.
Pure Contact

How and the heck is this happening? I couldn't close it to save my life and now I'm opening it like crazy and the ball is a slight draw?

Could it be that the club shaft is supposed to rotate around the sweet spot (2-F) and that now you are causing or allowing this to happen?


how the sweet spot moves relative to the shaft depends on your pattern.
Add to this, you will slam it shut or hold it off like a tuning dial based on where you think the ball is going to go, or where you think the clubface is going to be at impact....
You just matched it up to your pattern better.
Of course now you just have to filter the feeling to match up with the result.
So you keep getting whatever works....:)

I suggest recording your swing now while it is working. This way, if you start to overdo it and it loses its effectiveness, you can go back and view the clubface positions that work best for your swing.
If you set up with an open clubface, your hands may be telling you that if you do not close the face you are in trouble. If you have a really open clubface at the top of the swing it can get you doing some funky moves, obviously the mind or hand senses the clubface. I know I can draw a driver that has an open face much easier than a driver that is closed or offset. If you set up really closed, your swing will find a way to open the face at impact, the reverse should be true as well, no?
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