clubface twist

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Brian and all,

You mention in your article on slicing to feel a twist, or closing of the face going back. Well, I am a pull-hooker I feel because this is what I naturally do.. Somewhere along the way I got used to the clubface looking at the back of the ball in my takeaway. To even get close to toe up feels very handsy, as clubface rotation increases over my normal shut face. What do you perscribe to the student that can't hit a slice? A fade does not exist in my bag of tricks.

Love the sight.



Have you tried "Vertical Hinge"? I mean, opening the clubface toward the sky through impact.


bcoak... Brian never responded to my post re: the left thumb in which I asked for HIS views. So why do you have a problem?


because you are a broken record. "Brian, give me something new. What about MY idea. How about this?"
All trying to disprove Brian. He is the one writing unique articles with interesting ideas, not you. It is almost like you are trying to start a name for yourself!


Perhaps you are having trouble reading? I am simply trying to help people play better golf, and am not trying to disprove anything or anyone (although yes, I do give credit where it is due to 'original' ideas). This is a forum for debate, for questions, and for discussion. I asked Brian a question. Looking forward to an answer. What's your problem?
EDZ, I have taken lessons from BM and have read the Dante "Four Magic Moves to Better Golf" and the method that he showed me was not even close to what Dante was advocatiing in his book.


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

Whiteflash - given the "right wrist back" is common to both, how do you consider they differ?

Dante advocates an immediate downward push of the left thumb by the right heel pad which puts the club in a closed position from the start. In my lesson with BM it was more of what position they are in at the top.No talk of downward wrist break or pushing down by the right hand etc... I agree that both like a bent right wrist position but how they teach it is extremlty different. Maybe my lesson was different than with his other students but I doubt it. That is just my observation maybe BM has a different take on it(he probably doesn't really recall the details of the lesson because it was back in the spring). Alot of teachers teach the same concepts but do it in a entirly differnt way.


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