Brian and all,
You mention in your article on slicing to feel a twist, or closing of the face going back. Well, I am a pull-hooker I feel because this is what I naturally do.. Somewhere along the way I got used to the clubface looking at the back of the ball in my takeaway. To even get close to toe up feels very handsy, as clubface rotation increases over my normal shut face. What do you perscribe to the student that can't hit a slice? A fade does not exist in my bag of tricks.
Love the sight.
You mention in your article on slicing to feel a twist, or closing of the face going back. Well, I am a pull-hooker I feel because this is what I naturally do.. Somewhere along the way I got used to the clubface looking at the back of the ball in my takeaway. To even get close to toe up feels very handsy, as clubface rotation increases over my normal shut face. What do you perscribe to the student that can't hit a slice? A fade does not exist in my bag of tricks.
Love the sight.