Clubface vs swingpath

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Could you make a list of how swingpath and clubface effect starting direction and spin?

Swingpath = spin
Clubface = starting direction

In to out with open face = a push draw
Out to in with a shut face = a pull fade

Do I have this right?


quote:Originally posted by benhogan54

Could you make a list of how swingpath and clubface effect starting direction and spin?

Swingpath = spin
Clubface = starting direction

In to out with open face = a push draw
Out to in with a shut face = a pull fade

Do I have this right?
Right idea - answers wrong way round. Should be:-

In to out with open face = a push fade.

Out to in with a shut face = a pull draw.


quote:Originally posted by ragman

Nope...benhogan54 was correct...

Nope Burner was correct. Pity, I don't like Burner much either that I have to side with one moron over another.
Depends on what clubface is in relation to. If in-out and face closed to path but not target, then hogan54 is right. If in out and open to path, then Burner is right.

But this is always true (Swingpath = spin
Clubface = starting direction) and the "switch around" has screwed my game until I figured out it was the other way around.

Personally, I believe it is nearly impossible to swing inout with face open to path and out-in with face closed. If you hit a pull hook, most like you are swinging too far to the right with a closed face in relation to target line and vice versa to push slice.
Burner's right...PERIOD! For example...if the ball separates at right angles to the leading edge, the path is in-to-out, and the face is open at SEPARATION, how on earth is it going to draw? ( vice versa with the other example)

Brian Manzella

Come on guys...

54,000$$$ machine....

In to out 4 degrees/face open 2 degrees....

Ball starts ABOUT 2degrees to the right (PUSH) and draws 2 degrees back to the target....



quote:Originally posted by brianman

Come on guys...
54,000$$$ machine....
In to out 4 degrees/face open 2 degrees....
To the TARGET LINE, I guess, as the reference in that expensive machine.

That means the clubface alignment is 2-degree close to the clubhead path, which creates a "draw" spin.
Why reference the clubhead path? That would change from swing to swing. Hell, it even changes during the swing. The only thing that makes sense is to reference the target line.
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