Complete Inconsistency

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My last couple of times playing my game has gone heywire. With the driver I am hitting huge blocks with the occasional 50 yard sweeping hook to keep me totally guessing. With the irons I am hitting mostly hooks and pull hooks with an occasional hosel rocket. I assume the blocks must result from a very inside out swing and the pull hooks from an over the top move. These seem like totally different misses. Is there a common denominator or is my game destined to be a mess? At the moment it sure feels like the later.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I think your pull hooks aren't due to an OTT move, i think you are swinging so inside/out with varying degrees of a closed face that the ball is darting left at impact, i can produce this as well.

You need to move to a never hook again type pattern to bring a more straight ball type ballflight back.
I think your pull hooks aren't due to an OTT move, i think you are swinging so inside/out with varying degrees of a closed face that the ball is darting left at impact, i can produce this as well.

You need to move to a never hook again type pattern to bring a more straight ball type ballflight back.

Thanks for the reply Jim. I was looking closely at the never hook again video. I think I'll give it a try.
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