Confessions of a former hacker

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Some of you may have been like me and 1000's of other "hackers"; you tried real hard to put together some resemblence of a golf game. You took some spot lessons from any PGA professional - you didn't know that not all instruction and instructors are the same. You tried every "flavor of the day" techniques from the golf digests.

For the longest time (20 years) I thought you had to swing with your left side (arm included) - I thought that was the secret since when it was first revealed to me i started playing better.

I had no idea what extensor action was.
Flat left/bent right wrist at impact? I would try to break them as hard and as fast as I could at impact.
If I was having a problem with my swing? Swing harder was always my answer.
My goal was to "break `100" getting a bogey on every hole was my goal. Pars were few and far between. Double and triple bogeys were common. I had one or 2 mulligans per round. Fluffed the lie at all times. Bent the rules for lost balls and OB shots. Best scores were usually around 95 and I had no clue why or how I hit a good or bad shot.

Today my golf game is completely different thanks to all the great TGM guys. Canton was absolutely eye opening - almost too much information for my brain. Today, I routinely shoot in the low to mid 80s and play the ball down even when my playing partners are fluffing their lie. I abide by all the rules and count every shot. When I'm playing well I know why and when I'm playing bad I usally know why also.

Armed with solid basic TGM knowledge of the golf swing that I can depend on does wonders for my confidence. My goal now is to par every hole regardless of whether I'm on the green in regulation. Pitching/Chipping are greatly improved. I'm still struggling or should I say "learning" about certain aspects of the golf swing but at least my mind knows what should be done even though my body does not always follow instructions.

One of my last posts came off somewhat negative so I wanted to make sure all my new TGM "friends" and the posters here and at Lynn's board know that TGM is the best thing that ever happened to my golf game. Next year my goal is to conistently break 80 - I have never done that.



Ray A lot of time bombs were planted at Canton.I am not surprised that your game is coming together. I could see your improvement when we roomed at Canton and expected you to end up with a solid game. I think it is easier to judge someone else's potential than your own. Playing in the 70s is definitely likely in the future.
I know I'll never by a "MBC-PRO" (I like your swing Todd)or a "Hue" but just being able to play with confidence makes it all worthwhile.
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