Confessions Video - Question about ball flight

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I watched Confessions of a Former Flipper this weekend. When I went to the practice range I laid my golf bag down behind me to work on hitting down, taking a divot after the ball, flat left wrist, etc. In the video, Brian uses his Blue Plane Board. While I was able to mash the ball and take divots like never before, I noticed that my ball flight was much higher than before. My 8 iron, 9 iron, 48 degree and 52 degree wedges went much but also more further I usually hit them. The ball was going sky high on the 52 degree wedge shots. Should this be? I am missing something or now that I can hit down and take a divot after the ball I should be working on some other part of the impact zone.


I have noticed the same thing, but with the added distance and my ball stopping on the green I think its a good thing
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