Performance enhancers
The only performance enhancers that would even be useful for golf in my opinion would be beta blockers, which if I remember correctly have been used by some players for years. The reason beta blockers would be used is to lessen the physiologic response during times of increased stress. Beta blockers basically slow the heart down, so they keep you more calm. This is what is purported to happen, though I've never had any direct experience with them. Steroids in golf would be a rediculous application of those substances. If you listen to what gary player says in his conference he lumps creatine in with steriods and "other drugs". This is ludicris, creatine is in no way a steriod, nor a potent performance enhancer. It can increase performance in the gym slightly, but the effects that creatine has couldn't make you win a golf tournament. I find his comments to be on par with the normal person who is completely uneducated in these subjects. I'm curious to know if he knows that you just can't get a bottle of "Steroids" but actually have to take specific drugs and have to have a lot of knowledge in order to use those substances effectively.