Back in 05 or 06 my Dad my brother and I all went to a golf expo here at the Florida state fair grounds... we met a Pro who at his booth was teaching flat, belt buckle stuck at the ball swings... My dad got up there and was... NOT doing that, here we are a few years later, and Im having a tough time FIXING him... he used to drive the ball so nice, over 250, now he is lucky to get 220...
Freaking one planers!!!
side note, it got to me too, because for a while, I was what he dubbed a "2 planer" however I liked my swing (and didnt like the teacher too much)... eventually with dads provoking and claiming to hit it so much better, I started to flatten out... needless to say, my savior has been SD... which is Much closer to my backswing at the time....