Correct D plane alignment

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When talking about the D plane, Brian is always very careful when to say aim/swing left. I would assume that for most of us with little time to practice, aiming left would be easier to repeat correctly than swinging left.

I also now realize that all these years of aiming the clubface at the target during my preshot routine has robbed me of playing my best golf. Oh well, better late than never.

Assuming a level strike with a 3 wood off a tee, average amount of down/out with the irons/wedges, and that we are aiming our clubface essentially where we want the ball to start, how much difference in aim/swing left are we talking about through the set, down to the LW? Also, is the difference and aim/swing left consistent through the clubs as long as the down/out is consistent?


Well to be clear, it's aim left for shots on the ground but aim right for teed up shots that you are hitting up on.

For the calculations you need to ask about specific clubs. I think for a mid iron it was aiming left about 2.5 degrees. Someone else can fill you on precise examples i guess...or you might search.

That said, for straight shots the face is still aimed at the target.
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Keep in mind that every tick of the second hand on the clock is 6 degrees. I'm not saying 2 degrees doesn't change the shot, but my experience is that aiming sort of falls under the "knack" of the game. If we were actually machines it would be even more significant.
I also now realize that all these years of aiming the clubface at the target during my preshot routine has robbed me of playing my best golf. Oh well, better late than never.
you should still aim the face at the target for a straight shot.

Assuming a level strike with a 3 wood off a tee,
level strikes have swing directions (hsps) that are equal to the club path (since there is no "down" or "up" to compensate for).
average amount of down/out with the irons/wedges,
and that we are aiming our clubface essentially where we want the ball to start, how much difference in aim/swing left are we talking about through the set, down to the LW? Also, is the difference and aim/swing left consistent through the clubs as long as the down/out is consistent?

"average" = the shorter the club, the more down you'll hit - i.e., you hit more down with a wedge than a 5 iron.
so, in theory, you would need to swing more left with a wedge than a 5 because you are hitting more down on the ball. that being said, you also swing the wedge on a steeper plane, and your swing plane (vsp) will also have a lot to do with how much "left" is needed - i.e., the steeper the angle, the less "left" is required.
Keep in mind that every tick of the second hand on the clock is 6 degrees. I'm not saying 2 degrees doesn't change the shot, but my experience is that aiming sort of falls under the "knack" of the game. If we were actually machines it would be even more significant.
Bill McKinney

I know what your saying Bill but just knowing it's O.K. to aim left or right of the target for a straight shot is a big deal to me!

I have always had a knack for the game but..

I have license to aim/swing where ever I want, probably silly but important.

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